Let's Play a Game (36)

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It was now Monday morning, and I wanted nothing more than for the school week to be over with already. I would be getting married on Saturday, and that was all I was able to look forward to.

Word had gotten around quickly about how our wedding was that week, and I knew Aveline was not happy. I knew that she wished that we would somehow call off the wedding before it could happen, but now that we were going to get married soon, I knew she was getting worried. I was expecting her to confront me sooner or later, but I just didn’t know when. I was really getting sick and tired of her.

I wasn’t surprised when I saw Aveline waiting for me outside my locker when I got to school that morning. I knew she was going to talk to me sooner or later. “Hello, Aveline,” I greeted flatly, acting as if her presence didn’t bother me in the slightest.

“Hello,” she glared.

I couldn’t remember a time when Aveline had even tried being nice to me, even before everything with Zach had happened. I didn’t know if it was because she was jealous or just because I was the type of person she didn’t like. I didn’t know, and I didn’t care. All that mattered was that she didn’t like me and I didn’t like her.

“So, Aveline, what have I done to get this lovely visit from you?” I asked her now, not about to be nice to her since I knew whatever she was about to say wasn’t going to be nice to me. “If we don’t hurry, we might be late to class.”

“Like I care,” she snapped now, taking a step toward me and slamming my locker shut before I could open it all the way. “You and I have to talk about something right now.”

I knew this was coming.

“What would you like to talk about, dear Aveline?” I questioned her now, knowing I didn’t want to continue this conversation with her.

Her face was turning red, which was something I was hoping would happen. “You need to end your little relationship with Zach.”

I only stared at her, speechless. Did she seriously think that I would do something like that just because she told me to? Even if we were friends, I wouldn’t break up with Zach just because she told me to do so.

“Excuse me?” I couldn’t help but snap at her now, any sort of politeness I tried to show now completely gone. “Did you seriously just tell me to break up with my boyfriend? My fiancé?”

She cringed at the word. “Stop calling him that. That’s disgusting.”

I was the one to take a step closer to her now. “No, I’m not going to stop calling him that, because that’s what he is. Zach is my fiancé, Aveline. He’s not yours, and he never has been. So just leave him alone and mind your own damn business for once, will you?”

“I’m not going to give up on him,” she growled at me now, and I hadn’t ever seen her face this red before, even when I had punched her in the face and her nose had been bleeding. “No matter what you do, I’ll make sure that Zach is mine.”

I couldn’t believe this girl. Even though she knew Zach didn’t like her, she wasn’t about to give up. Even though he was in love and engaged to me, she wasn’t about to stop. I was going to have to do something about this.

“I’m not even going to deal with you right now, Aveline,” I informed her now, my lip curling up into a sneer. “You’re not worth it.”

I turned on my heel now and started off toward my first period. I didn’t hear her scamper off, so I knew that she was still standing right in front of my locker, as if she owned it or something.

“I’ll make you regret this!” she shouted after me, and it made my blood go cold. “I’ll make you regret ever moving here!”

There was something wrong with that girl. But whatever it was, I didn’t want to know what it was. She was trouble, and it was not something I should have gotten myself into.

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