First Day

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I walk through the halls of full sail trying to find hunters office before checking my phone."Damnit I'm late" I put my phone back in my pocket and look up before colliding with someone making us both fall.

I look to see the one and only Rhea Ripley on the ground glaring at me. I scurry to my feet already embarrassed. "Sorry I didn't see where I was going" " Ya damn right ya didn't she says with fury and I'm afraid I'm going to get my ass kicked not even 10 minutes in the building. "I was just looking for hunters office he said meet him first thing I got here. She almost bursts out laughing before realization dawns on her and she playfully punches my arm " You're the new guy right?" "Yeah just got signed 2 weeks ago could you tell me where hunters office is?
She points in a direction towards what I think are the locker rooms " first door past the locker room good luck bub" she slaps my back before walking off. I walk with my carry on carrying my ring gear and knock on hunters door

"Come in I hear a really deep voice that sends chills down my spine and I walk in before he greets me with a smile " Welcome Tyler I hope your arrival was smooth" "it was sir" I respond with enthusiasm.

"Alright tonight is your first match and I want you against" he taps his chin before a smirk over takes his face "Keith Lee in a one on one match". " I'm OK with that sir I respond nervous I've seen what Lee has done to guys like me not so tall and barely weigh anything.

"You're starting off the show we want a great match since this is our first show since Wargames" I nod and he gives me a goodbye before I enter the locker room and head to a small empty spot and I start to change into my ring gear
(Seth Rollins type pants and boots with a dean ambrose leather jacket during my entrance)

I finish wrapping the tape on my wrists and put my stuff away before going to gorilla waiting for my cue since their is only 3 minutes till the show starts.
Keith Lee is the first out on the ramp as the crowd signs along to his theme song he gives a big cheeky grin before getting his gameface on and enters the ring.

I stand behind the curtain ready to vomit with all the butterflies in my stomach before my theme starts as a huge guitar rift starts before the song actually starts.
FALL, the song I will not bow by breaking Benjamin starts and everyone in the crowd gives me a measly response as I walk down and slide in the ring stretching my limbs before I hear the bell ring.

Lee runs at me going for a corner close line and I duck under it and start to kick his leg trying to soften it up for a bigger attack.
After 5 straight kicks he catches my leg and headbutts me directly in the chin sending me stumbling to the ground and I roll to the corner.

I'm sitting in the corner prone to attack as he runs and hits a corner CannonBall and I fall face first to the mat in pain. He drags me to the middle of the ring and flips me over going for the cover
3- I kick out in the nick of time 2 and 7/8th as Cole would say.

I roll to the outside trying to catch a breather as I hear the crowd chant "Oh bask in his glory" I don't see it coming but when I turn around Lee is already over the top rope and hits a tope con hillo sending me to the ground almost instantly.
He picks me up and rolls me in the ring and I stand up staggering from the hit.

As he jumps on the apron and goes to get in I take my opportunity and hit an out of no where curb stomp as the crowd screams in shock and awe. I drag him to the middle of the ring before climbing to the top and jump off going for a spiral tap.
Before I can make contact he rolls out of the way as I land on my back as the sound creates a smack that echoes throughout the arena.
I groan in pain and barely stand up and dodge a superkick and I run off the ropes going for a superman punch but he catches me in a powerbomb position he raises me high and slams me into the mat.

The force of his slam sends me to the outside with what I know will be bruising and I lay my head on the barricade out of energy.
The ref count gets to 8 before I roll back in the ring where he attempts to grab me I slide between his legs and jump up wrapping my legs around his head flipping backwards hitting a reverse Frankensteiner. The crowd screams as I hit the move chanting "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT"

I stand up adrenaline coursing through my veins as I hit my finisher. The nightfall (Christopher Daniels angels wings finisher)
The impact causes us to bounce a few times before I fall on the cover only able to hook one leg
He kicks out shocking me and the rest of the arena as they chant "fight forever" I stand up grabbing him and I run off the ropes and jump going for a spike Rana before he catches me and powerbombs me a 2nd time and pins me
His theme plays through the arena as I lay flat out in the middle of the ring as he leaves with a win I stand up and the crowd gives me a standing ovation before I hear 3 words I didn't want to hear on my debut night.

Shock the system.
And out walk the undisputed era lead by the NXT champion Adam Cole as they surround the ring like a pack of wolves before they all start attacking me I lay there defenseless as they all kick and punch on me like there is no tomorrow.

Kyle climbs to the top and jumps off hitting a diving knee on my chest causing me to groan.
Roderick and Bobby pick me up and hit the high low before a beep sound plays through the arena before someone screams


Out run ciampa Dominick Dinakovic and Kevin Owens before they all start to fight and send the undisputed era off running. Ciampa helps me up before patting my back and we all walk to the back.

As I reach the back hunter is the first man I see who gives me a big things up before talking to other producers.

Later that evening
I'm packing up my things a Ice pack tapped to my ribs and back as I sustained bruised ribs. I walk out of the locker room with a limp and there stands Rhea.
"Listen I wanted to say sorry for giving you shit earlier" I wave my hand " its fine I should had looked where I was going". She sighs shaking her head before nodding her head " alright well see you around new guy " and she walks away as I have a small smile on my face and go to the hotel for some much needed sleep

This is her Brutality (Rhea Ripley X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ