Ua's Big 3

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We were all in class excluding Bakugou. Midoriya had served his time and finally returned. He was extremely hyper when he came to class though. I had found that funny as I continued to scribble down my name ideas since i still hadn't found one. Suddenly Aizawa sensei came in ordering us to settle down which we all did. He had said he invited a few guests to talk about the hero internships. He told people to come in and a purple haired boy, blue haired girl and the same face from before entered. He told us that they were the top three students in hero course. I smiled and wondered which was the best of the three. The purple haired kid was call upon to introduce himself. This seemed to trigger him as he had gazed at us with a high level of intensity. It was then that I felt like Quita had gotten angry at me again. He suddenly started to shiver and mumbled something to the blie haired girl who was called Nejire Hado about how even if he imagined us as potatoes the rest of our bodies were human. He then turned to face the wall as Nejire had introduced him to us. He was Tamaki Amajiki who was apparently top of the hero course.

Nejire suddenly started going around asking random questions about Shouji's mask, Mina's horns and did not even get an answer before moving on to the next question. I noticed that Aizawa sensei had gotten highly annoyed. I was inwardly laughing at how the last guy had tried to calm him down by stating he was the main act. He suddenly announced something about the future and paused and said it would be troublesome. He started laughing about how his opening was a huge fail.

I noticed that all three of them were weird but I knew never to judge anyone by their cover. He started scratching his chin which I was getting annoyed at the silence. But before I could say something, he challenged us to a fight with the whole class. They all were shocked while I was highly suspicious of this. I knew that he would not do this without knowing he could win. I was although a wild card since in seems as though everyone's quirks are world wide news.

I was very happy although with this as I was itching for a fight. Aizawa approved and we all went to change and prepare for the battle. I had decided to allow myself to wear the necklace although I had no plans on using it. We all gathered at the traing field and took our stance against the surprisingly relaxed Mirio who was stretching. I was trying to predict what his strategy would be while I did my own stretching. He asked who would go first which Kirishima wanted to but Midoriya stole the chance.

I stayed on the middle left hand side of the group since there were three ways he would likely attack, back, middle, front. I took a very simple defensive stance. Midoriya dug his boots into the ground as Mirio had also readied himself. I was in a full defensive state. Midoriya ran at him at what seemed like full speed. Suddenly halfway Mirio's clothes dropped off which enlisted a scream from Jirou. Midoriya kicked his face but his foot phased through Mirio's head like it was nothing. Like I suspecting it was a quirk that allowed him to go through things. As Midoriya skidded to a stop he jumped out the way of Sero's tape, Ayoma's laser and Mina's acid. These all went right through Mirio. I felt like so.ething was amist as the smoke cleared from the battle field. He had disappeared.

We all went to high alert which was useless as he popped out from nowhere from behind us naked mind you which got another scream from Jirou. I quickly analysed what i knew and realised no attack could hit him. At least with his skill level and quirk proficiency. I had saw him mow down all our ranged fighters and even a few melee fighters such as Shouji. He had gone through all of them which was more than half of us in less than twenty seconds. He only jabbed their stomachs and had crippled them.

I was going over everything in my head on how we could beat him but I had nothing. If only I could touch him. I came up with a brilliant plan. All that was left was Midoriya, Uraraka, Koda, Sato, Hagakure, Ojiro, Kirishima, Lida and myself. I was prepared for his next attack. Midoriya told us to stick together and find a weak point. I had already found one but could not reveal it yet. I made sure to keep a distance away from the group which I think Mirio noticed but paid no mind too. I knew there was a high chance he would take me out first but I knew where he would come from.

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