Chapter Nineteen ~ Blurring the Lines

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As soon as Ari tumbled back into the mortal world, she heard the front door slam and her mother shouting her name. The doorway faded into a muddy puddle of sunlight just as her mom burst into the room.

"Oh, Ari, my baby!" She swept her daughter into a crushing hug. "I thought they'd gotten you too."

"Mom, stop bathing me in your tears. I'm fine. And what do you mean you thought they'd gotten me too?"

Her mother released her and stepped back. "Didn't you hear? Mrs. Hartzo was found dead in her front yard. They're not sure yet if she had an accident or if someone attacked her. I saw a police car pulling out of our driveway and I thought...." She sighed. "It's just that after your father, I couldn't stand it if I lost you."

Ari picked at a hole in her comforter. So that was how Daniel had possessed the policeman. Someone saw Mrs. Hartzo and called for help. When help arrived, Daniel hitched a new ride. Dispatch must've relayed Ari's call, and Daniel-wearing his new Officer Rivers suit-answered it.

Ari forced a smile. "You won't ever lose me, Mom." She wished that was a promise she could keep. She wished she could bury her face in her mom's shoulder and tell her everything. But she was far past the days of spilled milk and stubbed toes. She remembered how much it had pained her mother when she'd found out about Mara. Ari's smile withered. She had to clean up this mess on her own.

"I'm glad you're all right." Ari's mom gave her another hug. "By the way, did you fall in a ditch outside a strip club?" She stepped back and frowned. "Your clothes are filthy. And glittery."

Ari crossed her arms. After she'd run from Sam, she'd stopped in the Nightmare Forest to scrub the blood from her skin. There wasn't much she could do for her clothes. "You know me. Clumsy is my middle name."

"Really? That's all you're giving me?" Ari's mother shook her head and pointed at the mojo bag hanging from her daughter's belt. "What's that?"

"Oh! This is a good luck charm. Charlie gave it to me."

"Is that what BFFs are giving each other these days?"


"Oh, right. No slang." She sighed again and massaged her eyes. "I wonder what that cop was doing in our driveway."

"No idea," Ari said. "Maybe he got turned around."

"Maybe." Her mother yawned and stretched her arms over her head. "I'm going to take a nap. Today has been traumatic."

Ari grimaced. Tell me about it.

As soon as her mother left, Ari's phone vibrated with a text from Ceph.

We need to talk.

She barely had time to change before the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Ari shouted. She pulled on Sam's coat and tripped her way down the stairs.

When she opened the door, Ceph stood on the porch, hands in his pockets. He looked like himself again, except for the gray half-moons under his eyes. "What are you doing here?" Ari said, more forcefully than she meant to. She took a deep breath. "Sorry. What I meant to say was are you all right?"

"I'm fine. I woke up an hour ago."

"Who is it?" Ari's mom yelled from the top of the stairs.

"It's just Ceph," Ari yelled back. "He's mostly harmless."

Ceph's gaze skittered away. "Can we go for a walk?"

"Sure." Ari stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind her. "I need your help with something first."

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