Scholastic Granger University's Organizations

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In this chapter, I'll be introducing to you the different organizations in Scholastic Granger University. SGU has 5 social organizations, namely The Elites, the Gossipers, the Athletes, the Acads, and the Supreme Student Council.

Introducing "The Elites"

Members: 21 members. 13 girls and 8 boys

President: Mr. Gregor P. Duncann (Senior, 20yrs. old)

V-President: Ms. Avreel Angelica P. Leviste (Junior, 19yrs. old)

About: This group is the TOP organization. They only have a minimal members for they give importance on their Code. They have this White Rabbit. The White Rabbit will determine if that person passed the standards of being an elite. He or she can endorse a person to be admitted in this organization. He or she must posses the quality of being sharp, and keen, and must have a good eye. The current White Rabbit is Sophia G. Remulta. They also have these Rats. These Rats  will do the initiation rites to the chosen person of the White Rabbit. They must posses the quality of being sneaky and firm. This group has two Rats, and they are Atasha Amara S. Aubert and Valeen Carly D. Perera.

Requirements: Straight A's in all subjects, Good-looking, and Rich.In short, PERFECT. If you don't posses all of these characters, you CANNOT be admitted into this organization. However, if you meet two of the three requirements and was endorsed by the White Rabbit, well, you MAY be admitted in this organization.

Innitiation rites:  

                              *Steal the wardrobe while the target/s is/are in their swimming class.

            purpose: to show-off their assets.

                                *Trapped in an abandoned warehouse at the back part of the university.

           purpose: to showcase their mental ability while solving how to escape from the warehouse.

                               *Beat the power duo. (The pair that excel in judo)

            purpose: to test their fighting skills.

Introducing "The Gossipers"

Members: 102 members, most members are girls

President: Ms. Ashley T. Villamor (Junior, 19yrs. old)

V-President: Ms. Desiree Y. Tan (Junior, 18yrs, old)

About: The Gossipers are a bunch of plastics. They are mean and they spread rumors. Don't be too confident in front of them because they might backfight you. They can make a tiny detail into a big fuss. You should be aware of your actions if a gossiper is around you. You can't tell coz maybe the next day, you are already the talk of the town.

Introducing "The Athletes"

Members: 87 members

President: Mr. Tristan V. dela Rosa (Senior, 20yrs. old)

V-President: Ms. Trinity Joy T. Choi (Sophomore, 17yrs. old)

About: The Athletes are a group of varsity players that dominates in their field. Most of the members are the team captain of every sports. NOT ALL athletes will be admitted into this organizations. He or she must excel in his or her field to be a member of this org.

Introducing "The Acads"

Members: almost a hundred

President: Ms. Felicity B. Cruz (Junior, 19 yrs. old)

V-President: Mr. Brandon B. Cruz (Junior, 19 yrs. old)

About: The Acads are a group of dean's listers. The are the top ten of each department of every colleges. Most of the Supreme Student Council members came from this organization for they are smart and reliable. They are also responsible and are also known as the teachers pet.

Introducing "The Supreme Student Concil" a well respected student organization

President:              Ms. Felicity B. Cruz (The Acads)

V-President:          Ms. Avreel Angelica P. Leviste (The Elite)

Secretary:             Mr. Gregor P. Duncan (The Elite)

Asst. Secretary:  Mr. Brandon B. Cruz (The Acads)

Treasurer:            Ms. Che-Che G. Drillon (The Acads)

Auditor:                 Ms. Kaylie T. Lee (The Acads)

PRO:                      Mr. Tristan V. dela Rosa (The Athletes)

PRO2:                   Mr. Sean Carlos D. Vega (The Acads)

For all the students that doesn't belong in ANY of these organizations are reffer to as the COMMONER. Even though he or she is the son of the president or a daughter of a famous fashion designer, if he or she doesn't belong into any of these organizations, they are automatically considered as a COMMONER.

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