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Things seem so great in Inkopolis, it's easy to forget how we got here. It's easy to forget that Inkopolis isn't always safe. Some choose to ignore the past, and simply move on with his or her lives in ignorant bliss. But time and time again, this has proven to be the ultimate downfall of the squidlings and octolings. However, I know you aren't one of them. I know you won't forget the past, but learn from it.

I've told you all about the return of the Zapfish, both times, and I've told you all about the Great Turf War. I've even told you about how I escaped to Inkopolis, but I don't think I've ever told you about how we met our neighbors from the stars. You're finally old enough, I think you can handle it.

I guess I should start at the beginning.

10 Years Ago, the Deep Sea Metro, 2017 CE (Cephalopod Era)

Agent 3, aka Terry Yusha, walked down the dank, dark hallways of the seemingly ancient metro. No Sign of that Octoling Or Captain Cuttlefish either. What was that thing? She thought, looking around for any signs of trouble.

Terry had been in the middle of a fight with an Octoling, when suddenly another Octoling attacked both of them, but the Octoling didn't look normal. It looked wrong. It's skin was so pale, it was almost grey, as if its cells were dying. And its tentacles were an unnatural ink color. The ink it shot looked like marble. Terry managed to splat the monster, but only after it detonated a bomb that sent Terry, Cuttlefish, and the octoling flying off of the platform they'd been fighting on. The impact was so strong, Terry was knocked unconscious. When she woke up, she was even deeper underground, in some sort of tunnel system of trains.

After walking in isolation for some time, she finally came upon a strange box in the center of the platform. As Terry approached, it suddenly sprang to life. A robotic voice came out of the old relic.

"Scanning area. Lifeform detected. Lifeform identified: Augmentation candidate confirmed."

The voice beeped and squeaked a bit, the slipped into a more natural-sounding voice, although it still didn't sound quite right. 3 kept her guard up.

"What are you? Where am I?" she said, pointing her gun at the phone.

"Chillax, homie. You're in the Deep Sea Metro! A place where lost souls can earn their way to the Promised Land-The surface! And I couldn't help but notice that you're incredibly strong! You'd be a great employee here at Komabo Co! What do you say?" The phone laid on her all at once.

"Uh-Will it get me out of here?" She asked desperately.

"Most certainly!"

"Then, I guess yes."

"Excelent! We just need to look you over, and give you some new equipment before you can begin your employment.

Another strange octoling appeared. 3 got ready to fight, but she only had a second before the octoling struck, and everything went black.

The next several weeks, 3 hardly remembers.

She went in and out of consciousness, performing tasks as if she were a zombie. She wasn't quite as zombified as the strange octolings, but she definitely wasn't in control either. She still had a semblance of her autonomy left in her.

She fought constantly, trying to regain control of her body, but the strange telephone had done something to her. Altered her. She was no longer 100% inkling. There was something inside her. Something that controlled her, but something that also made her stronger, somehow.

Agent 3 was only given control of her body for brief periods of time throughout the day, usually only so she could eat her meals and relieve herself. When control was taken away again, she only held consciousness for a few minutes before she fell fully into the strange spell.

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