『Angel Hearts』

Start from the beginning

Goltron grinned at the prospect of a sweet drink, that was bubbly, and wasn't alcoholic. He was susceptible to alcohol poisoning, so he didn't drink it, even on occasion. However he had an extreme sweet tooth.

"Perhaps when we're settled in Arwintar, My sister can show you how to make carbonated beverages."

Eve giggled wildly at Jack's proposition, something she could do with her production skills. It made her excited to teach or show someone else a what she could do, even if it was someone she had just become acquainted with.

Termite and Imina looked at one another before turning their attention back to Jack. "Is there anything you can show us while you're at it?" He'd joke, though it was really just a partial joke. He was actually curious if there was anything that their new found member would teach them.

Jack shrugged softly, "I'll have to look into that." He wasn't a ranger and he didn't necessarily see their interests right off the bat. Goltron was easy to read, he was a nice person who wore his personality.

Termite was a man of charm and easy going. He liked money, or at least saving it. He had a certain allure to him which Jack could definitely sense. Imina though, she seemed to be a kind individual with a caring heart. He could tell from earlier that she seemed almost familial with Arche, like an older sister figure. He could also tell the two of them were close, especially when they had been in the wagon.

Whilst they appeared somewhat professional, they had held hands. Leaned into one another. Even snuck a peck when they thought no one was looking.

Jack didn't mind public displays of affection, if anything he enjoyed it. If he had a girlfriend or a significant other, he wouldn't really hide it from others all that much.

The three of them would begin to walk away from the building. Jack was between Eve and Shizu as they trailed along behind the four other workers.

His eyes remained on the back of the Blonde.

Eve was quick to tell the look in Jack's eyes. He was her brother, so she could see the interest. The girl had talent, she was short and slender. On top of that, she knew her brother wouldn't actively pursue her, not yet at least. He took his time to build relationships, or at least waited for some incentive.

In a way he could blackmail her into it, she wanted to learn magic from him, he could perhaps make a deal. Training for courtship. Yet, she was beginning to wonder, would that be a real bond, or just one of convenience? Eve stared at her brother, whilst Shizu kept close to his side.

Jack was thinking to himself, he had thought the same thing earlier, but he also doubted the authenticity of a relationship built off of that due to her desperation. Unlike all the bright faces that walked by, hers was hiding her hardships, she didn't see a bright future ahead of herself. Despite that though, the determination to destiny, to change fate, was almost to the extreme, whilst her loyalties to her friends also seemed to be in high regard.

"Hm..." His head turned to the side slightly as he looked down to his sister, noting her expression and how her eyes gestured towards Arche. It was as if she was trying to egg him on, and he was quick to find that she actually was as she mouthed 'Do it.'

Rolling his jaw, he couldn't help but smile a bit before looking forward. "Are we ready to go to Arwintar, or are we doing something here first?"

Termite glanced over his shoulder, "You're able to open a portal again, just like that?" He had a rather in awe look on his face.

"Yes, it would be easy..." Much like Momonga, his Mana was well above the normal limit of any mortal human being. "I'm a bit of a monster, after all."

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