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No One

Virgil slowly wakes up, trying to process what's going on and why he woke up. It doesn't take him long to figure out that his iphone is ringing and he, as quick as he can, picks up the call. "Hello?" He asks, still groggy from sleep. 

"Virge! I'm soo sorry to wake you, but I forgot my lunch. Can you pleasee come drop it off for me, love?" Virgil hears Patton ask. Virgil rubs his eyes, already knowing that he's going to drop off Patton's lunch, but decides to joke around a bit. "What's in it for me?"

A 'Hmm' is heard from the other end of the call. "I'll give you money so you can stop and get coffee and I'll give you a kiss!" Virgil slowly sits up, switching the hand that he's using to hold his phone. "Pat, I can get my coffee for free and I could get kisses from you when you get home." He can hear Patton whine and almost gives in because he knows that Patton is pouting. "I'll let you play with the cats!" 

Virgil hops out of bed. "I'll be there as soon as I can. Oh, and Pat?" 


"I was gonna come and drop it off anyways, but Midnight better still be there."

Virgil walks into the pet store holding the paper bag that contains Patton's lunch. It didn't come to his mind before, but now that he's walked in Virgil realizes that he has to search the entire store for Patton or call him in order to find him on his own. The first option causes a lot of work and the possibility that Patton walks into the area Virgil just searched. The second option causes the possibility of Patton being in the middle of something and getting Patton in trouble for being on his cell phone during work. The only option left was to find the first employee he can and hope that either they know where Patton is, or that they are Patton.

It's hardly even thirty seconds before Virgil spots somebody, who in turn seemed to have already spotted him and started walking towards him. 

"Hello! Can I help you find anything?" She asks him. "Uh, yeah. I'm looking for Patton. Have you seen him? He works here." He says. He doesn't notice the fact that the girl, who's name-tag reads 'Mira', is trying not to show how intimidated and anxious she is talking to him. Her being only 4'9" and the fact that he's dressed head to toe in dark clothing with his dark eyeshadow don't help either. 

"Um, he's right over here. Follow me." She says, leading Virgil over to Patton, who's standing on a ladder, stocking. "Pat. Someone is here askin' for you." She says, looking up at Patton, who looks down and smiles brightly when he sees Virgil. 

Patton swiftly climbs down the ladder and literally jumps into Virgil's arms, wrapping his own arms around him. Virgil returns the hug, the brown paper bag hitting Patton's back slightly.  "I missed you." Patton says, hugging him harder once and then letting go. "I missed you too, Pat. But we just saw each other this morning." 

"I know.. But it's been hours already and I'm only halfway done with my shift."

"You have two hours left of work."

"That's such a long time!"

"In Patton time."


"Wait, wait, wait. How do you two know each other?" Mira interrupts, confused how  the two know each other when they both seem to be total opposites. Virgil blanks for a moment, trying to think of the best way to explain what they are, they never really made themselves official. Sure, they admitted their feelings and have been all lovey dovey since, but they never went on any dates or labeled themselves. 

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