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I yawn, mixing my coffee with a spoon and trying not to fall asleep on the table. I hate waking up early. Then again, I'm not an early bird or a night owl, I'm some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon (not my original joke).

When I look back up, suddenly Patton is sitting there. Or maybe he was there all along and I just failed to noticed him. Ro/Gan comes over and sits down next to Patton and I. Ro/Gan? Lo/Man? I don't know. The only people who are no longer confused about their emotions in this household.

"So, we'll let you finish your coffee before- even though it's already almost noon- but, we thought that maybe we should talk about rules for when you're little... We thought that everybody in the house should be here to talk about this though since we should all agree on this, especially you."

I nod, not trusting myself to form an actual, coherent sentence right now and sip my coffee.

Patton shakes out his hand after writing everything down. I can only assume that it hurts, but I have to stop myself from laughing because at that moment, Roman decided to try and look at the paper and almost got hit in the face.

I take the smarter route, sliding the paper towards me so I can see it better (I know that we just went through all of this, but I want to be sure that we got everything, is that a crime?).

'1. Tell somebody when you're feeling little

'2. No swearing when you're little

'3. Always take your meds when you have them. If you run out or don't have them when we're out, that's okay

'4. Tell somebody when you're feeling sad/depressed/anxious

'5. No lying

'6. Be nice to others

'7. Bedtime is 9:00-9:30 when you have work early in the morning. 10:00-10:30 when you don't' 

We decided that we should probably set s few rules for them too, mainly simple things..

'1. No swearing around little Virgil' (Patton's wording)

'2. Tell Virge when busy or in a bad mood

'3. No lying

'4. No yelling at Virge (big or little)' 

We also talked about rewards for when I do really good and punishments for when I break the rules. 


'-New stuffy/coloring book/paci/etc.

'-Later bedtime

'-Movie Night



'-Time out (how long is to be determined)

'-Early bedtime

'-No sweets after dinner'

We couldn't think of much at the moment, so there really isn't much to go off of. I couldn't help but feel happy though, even when talking about punishments. They care enough to have started this conversation themselves and to help come up with these. 

I'm sure that we would have been able to come up with more, but it is super early in the morning and Pat and I have morning shifts.

We put this papers on the fridge with a magnet and leave any changes we might want to make for later. Pat and I are already ready for work, so he grabs the keys to his car and waits for me so he can give me a ride. 

It isn't until I'm already in the car that I realize I forgot to take my medicine. Again.

Sooooo sorry about the super late update! I kept getting hit with writer's block in the middle of the chapter.. I'll try to update more often -Author

A Little Secret (Moxiety)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora