[1] Team Natsu

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3rd POV

It was yet another normal and rowdy day at the Fairy Tail guild. Tables and chairs flying, drunk mages all over. Team Natsu were bored and low on jewels.

"Ahh, I have to pay rent soon.." Lucy whined with a sigh.

"Can we go on a quest?" Lucy asked.

"It wouldn't hurt," Erza said.

"Tch, whatever," Gray mumbled.

"Natsu, wanna go?" Happy asked.

"Natsu?" They looked over to see a drooling Natsu, they sat there blank faced.

"NATSU! WE'RE TALKING TO YOU!" Erza's voice shook the guild, waking the pink haired dragon slayer.


"Let's go on a quest," Lucy said.

"Why?" He asked, causing the team to gasp. Never have they heard of Natsu not being in the mood to fight or go on a dangerous quest.

"Natsu! How are we going to pay for food?" Happy asked.

"Make Lucy pay," He claimed.

"I'M NOT AN OPTION!" Lucy shouted.

"C'mon fire breath, let's just get moving," Gray told him.

"Hey, don't tell me what to do, ice princess!" Said the fired up pink haired idiot.

"Wanna start, pink hair?" Gray growled.

"SHUT UP!" Erza shouted, knocking the two unconscious.

"Can we just go on a quest already?" Erza nodded. Lucy sighed in frustration walking over to the board filled with quests. She quickly locks her eyes on a quest of bandits and she takes hold of it. She ran over to Erza and showed her the quest.

"Looks good, let's go," Erza said.


Meanwhile on the train..

Natsu was sitting by the window with his eyes completely white, green face, and cheeks puffed out. How badly he wanted to barf was unbelievable. Happy rested quietly on Lucy's lap, Erza closed her eyes.

Gray was looking out the window.

"It sucks that Wendy couldn't come with us," Lucy sighed.

"And Carla too.." Happy frowned.

"Being sick is out of our control," Erza said.

"Well it's good that she'd getting rest and taking a short break." The train suddenly halted, alerting the team. Natsu was the first one off the train, as the rest of the team followed behind him.

"FINALLY FREE!" He cheered, Happy flew beside him.

"Calm down, we have to go to the client- Wha?!" Lucy gasped, looking at the quest paper.

"What?" Erza walked over beside Lucy.

"T-The quest! It changed! It used to be for clearing bandits around a small town! Not for S Class wizards! But now it's S Class?!" Lucy ranted.

"Tch, did you grab the wrong paper?" Gray asked.

"No, I've been holding the same paper ever since I got it off the quest board!" Lucy defended.

"Well, it's too late to change it now. Mira already approved it and we're already here." Erza stated.

"Actually it's better, since it's S Class, more jewels." Gray convinced.

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