Chapter 15 - FINAL MATCH

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Jennie's POV:


I was so surprised, I didn't expect him to come.

Kai ran fast to me and licked my palm as I kneeled down to pick him up.

"Omo calm down, baby!" - I giggled and my another baby also came to greet me, "Kumaaaa! You're here too?"

So thankful to my parents that they brought these two with them.

"Look! They miss you so much." - My mom shook her head and continued, "And sweetie?" - I flinched before realized someone was also here.

"Please take a sit!"

"O-oh, thank, Mrs.Kim!" - Lisa gave a nervous smile. She then sat down on the couch and I sat beside her.

"Aigoo! Don't be so formal here. Just call me Auntie."

There was no doubt that my mom was so polite and nice with Lisa because she always did that to any of my friends. She's the sweetest mom.

"So you're courting my daughter?" - My dad blankly asked.

Lisa and I chocked. 'Wtf?'


"Double negatives, it's yes!"

"Seriously, mom?"

"Haha, I'm kidding."

God, my mom really sold my face in front of her. Geez! After greeting, we were now talking about random things. Dad asked Lisa what her special skills were and her answer really amazed me. She said dancing was her best but she was also good at guitar. I be there just, wow. I had never known she was into instrumental. She also added she liked taking photographs and this got me even more surprised because since we met I never see her capture anything. Why? I had no idea, too. My parents and Lisa seemed getting along with each other. My dad loved capturing things, nature, and my mom while Lisa also loved natures and capturing her love one. She said when she was a teen, she got rank 1 in shooting contest. And the picture was just sky and cloud. Omg, she had so much to dig about.

"Oh, yes. Thank you for spending your time here with us."

"I'm really sorry that I have to leave early."

"Nah, it's almost midnight now. We still can have this moment with each other later, right?"

"Hehe, that's right. So goodbye, Mrs— oh I mean Auntie and Uncle."

Lisa bid my parents goodbye but they didn't seem to want this random conversation ended. They looked so comfortable with her. Well because she was funny but matured at the same time.

I accompanied Lisa outside and we exchanged a pleased smile with each other before she drove away. I was here still standing at my gate glancing at her car until it disappeared.

Lisa's POV:

'Oh gosh!!' I threw myself to the bed and palmed on my pounding heart.

I admitted I almost fainted sometimes once her dad turned his friendly face to a serious one. I couldn't read what in his mind. That's scary because meeting her parents today wasn't my expectations. I hadn't prepared myself for that yet. My heart was still jumping nervously mix with fluster. I was so confused with this state. I was still stunned. I took a deep breath, suddenly a notification popped in my phone so I checked it out. It was her.

Wildcat 😾

Home safely?
Sent at 11:45PM

I jumped on the bed like a monkey. She chatted to me first y'aaaaaalllll. An idiot smile appeared on my lips clearing all my anxiety and agitation.

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