Chapter 2: Boss

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~Amirah's POV~
The drive was long I watched from an angle since I couldn't see all the way out the window like I wanted too.

I caught short glimpses of some streets like Lincoln and Peck st, I wanted to get out of here so bad. My anxiety was kicking I going to die tonight?

I was pulled out of my thought as the car came to a stop, the man black haired man who was driving turned around and looked at me. "We're here so don't try anything, there's guards here that aren't afraid to shoot you down if they think your a threat." He says in a stern tone.

It made me think about my dad, who's a stern man himself.

The other guy got out, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder once again. I could see how nice it was as the bright lights of the gigantic mansion were visible for all to see.

They walked me through the front door and up the stairs, I could see the marble flooring with nice furniture and chandeliers.

Whoever this person was that owned this home must make a lot of fucking money, I thought to myself. They continue up the stairs walking past almost 15 rooms, from some rooms I heard screams, moans, and yelling.

Fear flowed through my small body as it felt like I was going to faint. My mind was racing until we stopped at a door, the man with black hair knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A deep masculine voice spoke from the other side.

"It's Cole and Andrew boss we have something you might want to see." The man named Cole replied.

"Come in." The unknown masculine voice answered.

Cole opened the door as I gulped nervously, the room we walked into was an office. "She saw and heard us while we were taking care Richard." Andrew said as he sounded nervous.

Whoever was there was silent, "put her down I'll take care of her." The man, that I'm guessing is probably their boss. Andrew put me in a chair as I looked down.

I don't need him looking at me, besides I was too scared to make eye contact myself.

"You two are dismissed." He said as the footsteps of Cole and Andrew disappeared out the room and the sound of the door closing.

It was silent for a second.

"Look at me." He said

I didn't move an inch, I couldn't dare do it out of fear I'd be hurt of killed.

"I don't like to repeat myself so I suggest you look at me before things escalate." He warned.

Soon I had to gave in and looked up slowly. Our eyes made contact, he was kind of fine not going to lie or anything. He was tan, muscular, with dark brown hair, and a muscular.

"So what I've learned you stumbled across something you shouldn't have seen, correct?" He said cocking an eyebrow.

"Well.." I replied scratching my head a little bit.

"Well what?" His he said in a harsh voice and scared me.

"I didn't mean to really, I was working my shift and I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." I said which quite honestly that was the truth.

"Well Mrs.Cleaning lady you've gotten yourself into some trouble." He said shaking his head with a grunt.

"Wait, wait, what the fuck did you just call me?" I said with my head to the side.

"Mrs. Cleaning lady. Do you have a problem with it." He said while looking at me seeing if I was going to do something.

"Yes I do and do you have a problem with me pointing that out." I said looking with a 'duh' look and wide eyes.

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