"Nice to meet you dear!" His mother immediately approaches, giving me a warm hug.

"Thank you for your help, Dakota," his dad exclaims. "We truly appreciate it."

His family is so warm and welcoming. I feel as if I've known them forever.

"I'm happy to help." I smile back.

"Do you mind if we talk real quick?" I hesitantly ask Asher after his parents continue welcoming new helpers.

"Sure." He nods, with a tight grin, seemingly nervous.

We walk inside to find a little bench in the entryway where we sit down, facing one another.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what happened in the hallway the other day. I kinda left you hanging and I feel awful about it."

"I appreciate you saying that. The hallway definitely broke my pride." He chuckles, making light of the situation.

"You're truly a great guy and I'm flattered you even considered asking me out for coffee." I give him a reassuring smile. "It just so happens I am seeing someone else right now and don't feel it would be appropriate to entertain the idea."

His eyes fall to his lap before taking a breath and finding mine again.

"I understand, and will most definitely respect your wishes, even if I'm not entirely happy about it," he says, jokingly. "You're a great girl, Dakota, and anyone would be lucky to call you their girlfriend," he declares in all seriousness.

I blush at his statement, feeling flattered.

"So, are you and Dane like official, official?" he asks after a brief pause.

"We are."

I can't even help the smile that lights up my face at the thought of him.

Pausing to think for a second, he continues, "You two just seem so...I don't know...different." he states, confused.

"We are," I agree. "Yet, we are so much the same."

He looks at me, raising one eyebrow with a half grin.

"Really?" he asks, seeming somewhat humored by that fact.

"Have you ever really talked to him, Asher?" I ask bluntly.

"Uh...no, I guess not," he admits, rubbing the back of his neck, seemingly embarrassed.

"Well, maybe you should sometime. He's the smartest, most humble, most honest guy I've ever met. With the exception of my father, of course." I wink.

"I'm glad you're happy, Dakota. You truly deserve it. And for the record, I'm happy to have you as my friend," he says genuinely.

"Thank you Asher."

I smile, feeling relief that our friendship can still exist.

"Now, let's get you in a hair net and serve up these potatoes!" He laughs, holding out a hand to help me up.

We served over one hundred families in the busiest Thanksgiving dinner they'd ever had. It was wonderful. We got to sit down and talk to various families about their lives and their stories. It was the most uplifting experience, one I'll never forget, and I was beyond grateful to have shared it with a new friend.


Friday night was here and I stood nervously at the door, rubbing my hands together, waiting for the sight of Dane heading over to my house. As if the angels heard my nervous cries, he appeared, the sight of him instantly calming me. Walking around the side of the house to our front porch, I see he's wearing a form fitting sweater that hugs his chiseled chest and arms, accompanied by some dark jeans that are fitted to perfection. His dark hair is yet again, slicked back with a little bit of product to hold it in place. I want to eat him up.

Calm down Dakota, this is a family dinner.

Reaching the stairs, he stops for a moment, looking up at me with a certain look about him. He takes me in, a slow grin slid across his face as he licks his lips to talk.

"Damn..." he breathes out. "Your shine puts stars to shame."

Feeling weak at the knees, he walks up to me, wrapping his large hands around my waist, pulling me into his hug. The smell of woodsy spice filling my nose as I breathe him in.

"You should talk, handsome. You look amazing," I comment, looking up at his warm, brown, inviting eyes which, unfortunately, appear to look somewhat tired.

I brush it off at his energetic demeanor and instinctively, reach up and rake my hands over his chest and down his firm arms, biting my bottom lip, letting a soft sigh out in the process.

"Down girl, your parents are coming." He smirks mischievously at my embarrassing moment of near harassment, causing a laugh to escape me.

"Are you nervous?" I question him, starting to feel my own nervousness.

"Not at all," he states nonchalantly. "Parents are my thing." He smiles confidently.

I hardly believe it.

"Sure babe." I roll my eyes at him, grinning.

I head into the house, leading him by his hand. His other hand gently rolls down my back, going even lower, prompting me to turn in playful shock, facing his now dark, smoldering eyes.

"I couldn't help myself either," he confesses in a deep, promiscuous voice.

We walk into the house as the smell of lasagna and breadsticks fill the air. Feeling my nerves of the evening slip away with Dane now by my side, I look forward to devouring the delicious meal in front me tonight. And I don't mean the lasagna.

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