Chapter Four

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Blaise was sitting in a dimly lit room. He was sitting in an old wooden chair, behind a large oak desk. Across from him sat Desmos, he was as imposing as ever, his serpentine arms bulged with muscle. His face looked human-ish, except for the fact that it was colored with pale green scales, the color someone could be when they're sick. His legs, or rather his tail was long and inhumane, in an indescribable way. He was the epitome of uncanny. Desmos' eyes followed Blaise's movement as he struggled against the ropes that held him.

Desmos chuckled at Blaise's feeble attempts. Blaise glared at him. If looks could kill, Desmos would be dead.

"What do you want?" Blaise growled at Desmos.

Desmos laughed "What do I want? I want to show you something" He signaled to the guards the untie Blaise.

"Show me what?" Blaise said gruffly. He didn't want to admit it but, he was suddenly curious.

Desmos stood up, motioning for Blaise to follow him.

Desmos led the way through a long dark hallway. The air was musty and the walls smelled of rotting wood. At the end of the hallway, to the left was a small room. The room was empty, except for a table and one chair.

On the table lay a small mirror. Blaise looked at the mirror. Images were flashing across its surface. At first, Blaise thought it was random, but then he realized it was a video or projection.

In the projection, a blond girl with misty blue eyes sat on a couch in a dark room. She was alone except for a boy with red hair and blue-green eyes similar to his own.

Blaise suddenly realized who it was. It was Skye and she was with... Lux.

Desmos smiled from the doorway. "It's all real, that's exactly what she's doing right now," he said.

Blaise gaped at him. He had known where Skye was this whole time, but he had still tried to torture the information out of him. How evil was this guy? Blaise thought.

"Enjoy your new home," Desmos said and slammed the door shut, leaving him with the mirror.

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