Chapter 6: Why The Hell Is Izuku Pulling A Refrigerator?!

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I came home and walked towards my dad, Takeru, who was sitting in the living room and reading the newspaper. "Dad, I...want to be a hero!" I declared as I saw him look at me with shock as he set down his newspaper.

Not that I could really blame him. This whole time, I always told him the last thing I want to be is a hero and to suddenly change my mind like this...

Then I suddenly saw his eyes soften as he patted my head. "I had hoped a day would come when I would hear those words. What changed your mind?"

I sat down next to him. "Today, Izuku was in trouble. He was rushing into danger like an idiot and I...protected him from a villain's attack."

My father looked very concerned. "You were attacked by villains? Are you okay?" He started to search me for injuries.

I laughed nervously at his worries. "I'm fine. It was our fault for running into the danger zone, but Izuku wanted to help Bakugou, who was taken hostage by the villain."

Takeru gave a stern look. "Of course that kid tried to play hero.... He could've gotten killed for nothing! What was he thinking rushing towards a villain with no combat training, strength, or Quirk?!"

I smiled a bit at that. My dad might seem extremely harsh, but he's only worried for Izuku. Takeru was never really comfortable with Izuku due to his fanboy actions towards him being a pro hero, but because Izuku is a civilian kid and the closest thing I've got to a friend, my dad still cares for Izuku's safety.

I chuckled a bit. "Didn't I tell you he was strange? He knew he had zero chance of winning, but he still charged towards the villain. What an idiot, am I right?" I asked him with a smile on my face, remembering when I first met him.

I continued to grin as I kept talking. "But even though he's an idiot, he's kind, selfless, and pure. He truly wants to save people." I looked down with a bitter smile. 'But despite all that, he wasn't blessed with strength or a Quirk. The world truly isn't fair...'

Dad sighed as he knew what I was talking about. I knew he was able to get all of that when he met Izuku. "So back to the topic, you protected Izuku, which made you want to be a hero?" He question with a curious expression.

I nodded as I remembered my past. "For a long time, I always believed that I couldn't protect anyone. That my power was a curse and could do nothing but hurt others. When I realized that the very power I hated saved Izuku, I thought that maybe I was wrong." I clenched my fists. "I thought that maybe, just maybe, I can save people."

Maybe I can find a way to make up for what I've done and be able to hold my head up high when I see all of my friends again.

I looked at my dad in the eyes. "I want to become a hero and save more people! I want to be able to prove to myself that I can do more than hurt people!" I exclaimed in determination.

My father gave me a small smile. "I know for a fact that you can do more than hurt people. I don't what happened that made you think that way, but I assure you that you have the ability to save people." He softly says as he pats my head.

And for the first time in years, smiled a real smile and felt lighter than I ever felt for years. The other times I smiled were always fake, either to keep up with my persona or to forget about my past and try to move on. This time, though, it was real, and it filled me with warmth I haven't felt in a long time. "Thank you!"

My father's eyes widened at the sight of his son's true smile, which he had never seen before now. There was nothing plastic in it. It was 100% pure and real.

He then nodded and his eyes turned gentle. "I'll help you train for the entrance exams. Which hero school do you want to apply to?"

I took off my backpack and reached for my application paper. I showed him which school I wrote down. "The same school Izuku was applying for and your alma mater; U.A."

My father looked at me with pride and ruffled my hair. "I know you'll do just fine there." He started to stand up. "Come on. Let's go to the hospital and tell your mother the news. I'm sure she'll be thrilled."

I nodded, a bit excited to tell her. For the first time in a long time, I felt my life progressing in a good way. I won't forget Yuto or my revenge, but perhaps I can save at least one or two lives before the day comes where I go where everyone else is.

Just like my dad thought, my mom was shocked, then ecstatic. She was extremely happy for me and hugged my really tight. I though I was going to die for a second there.

I went to Izuku's house the next morning to tell him about my decision. I knocked a couple times on his door and waited a few seconds.

The door opened and there stood Izuku's mom, Inko. "Hi, Inko. Where's Izuku? Is he still sleeping?"

I used to call her 'Midoriya-san' before she told me it made her sound too old and to just call her 'Inko.' It took a few tries, but I'm now able to say it without being too uncomfortable.

Inko has a worried look in here eyes. "He's not here. He told me he's going to the Takoba Seaside Bay to train for the entrance exams. He was even training last night."

I raised my eyebrows. "Huh? Okay...?" I was a little confused at that. Wasn't Izuku going to give up being a hero and not take the entrance exams for U.A? Did he change his mind?

And what's he doing training at the bay? If he's doing cardio training, like running or swimming, then isn't working out at the bay, which has strong high tides right now, a bit too much for Izuku?

The most exercise he's done is running away from Bakugo. Shouldn't he start with something small, like running on the treadmill or swimming in the local swimming pool where there's a lifeguard on duty at all times?

I started to imagine a drowning Izuku being swept away by the tides and sweated a little. "I think I'll go and check on him...there's something I want to tell him, too." I told Inko with a bit of nervousness in my voice.

Inko nodded. "Be safe and come by again soon!" She exclaims as she waved her right hand, saying her farewells as I waved back.

I walked towards the bay and searched everywhere for Izuku. I couldn't find him until I heard a familiar grunt and turned my head towards the source.

It came from the area where all the garbage washes up on. I walked towards in and found Izuku...trying to pull a refrigerator with a rope. And on top of the refrigerator was All Might.

I walked closer to him. "Izuku...what are you doing?"

Both All Might and Izuku looked like deer caught in headlights. "Uhh...Enmadou-san...what are you doing here?" He asked with clear nervousness in his voice.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Wondering what the hell your doing at a bay and why your pulling a refrigerator with the number 1 hero on top of it."

"Uhhh...." Was all I got. I have a feeling this is going to take a while.

To be continued....
Which school should Benio go to? Shiketsu or U.A.?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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