Chapter 1: The Promise He Made Me

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I walked into the classroom with a fake smile all ready to go. "Hi! My name is Enmadou Rokuro! It's nice to meet you!" I did a friendly wave.

I decided to keep my last name, even though I was adopted. After all, it's the only thing I have left.

The teacher told me to go sit at the empty seat in the back. She started to teach us about numbers and words. I sighed as I stared out the window.

What the hell am I even doing, sitting in a classroom like everything's normal?! I'm a murderer who killed his own friends!

Now, I only have one reason to live: to find Yuto and make him pay for what he's done. After that, I'll probably end my life as well, to atone for my sins. As they say; a life for a life.

After class, I got bombarded by my classmates at my desk with questions about me. They wanted to know about my favorite tv show, my favorite hero, etc.

One kid in particular was extremely rude. "So shithead, what's your Quirk? Mine is Explosion." He started to pop mini explosion on his hand with a proud grin. Got to admit, that's impressive.

I put up my mask and smiled. "My Quirk is called Barrier. See?" I brought out my barrier around me. "Don't attack it. It can reflect your attacks 5 times stronger back at you, so if you punch it, it's really gonna hurt."

In my mind, I thought about how much stronger I've gotten. Before the power up Yuto gave me, I was only able to reflect the same amount of power back at the attacker, but now, I can reflect back attacks several times stronger than what it originally was.

My barrier's defensive abilities also increased as it's extremely difficult to even crack it. I'm also able to use it longer without being as tired...just as Yuto said. If I'm not careful, I could end up killing I did with them.

I went back to explaining my Quirk. "Besides the reflection, it has a strong defense and I can change its size, like this."

I shrunk the barrier slightly, then regrew it back to the previous size. I then got rid of as I was done explaining.

"Wow, really?! That's so cool!"

The explosion kid crossed his arms and looked away. "It's cool, but not as awesome as mine!"

"You could protect a lot of people with that and become an awesome hero!" A girl said with an awed smile.

That sentence really hit me hard. I excused myself, telling them I had to go to the bathroom.

I ran to the nearest one and it was empty. I started to cry and grit my teeth. I punched the nearest wall.


Ami smiled at me. "You'll be an awesome hero and protect everybody!"


How?! How can I protect anyone when I couldn't even protect my own friends?! My hands are covered in their blood! I don't deserve to be a hero. I would only stain the profession.

I looked at myself in a mirror gripped onto the edges of the sink tightly.


I smiled in return. "Yeah, I'll be the strongest hero ever!"

Flashback end

'Strongest hero' my ass! That was all bark and no bite.

I then heard the door opening and wiped my tears away. I begun to wash my hands, pretending that I just finished so I can leave faster.

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