Chapter 3: The Symbol of Peace

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Rokuro's POV

I left the room and headed towards the classroom again where I saw the classroom was empty.

I looked around in confusion. 'Where did Izuku go?' I wondered.

I just happened to look out the window where I saw an upset Izuku looking at a wet notebook. I noticed that it was one of his hero analysis notebooks and it looks like it's...been burned.

I clenched my fists in anger. 'Bakugou...What the hell did you do?!'

Running to the back of the school, I stopped when I was just behind Izuku. He heard my footsteps and turned around in surprise. "Enmadou-san, what are you doing here?"

I looked at him in worry. "I came back to the classroom and no one was there. I accidentally looked out the window and saw you." My eyes wandered towards the burned notebook and it darkened. "Bakugou did that...didn't he?"

My friend stuttered and looked back and forth between me and his notebook. He looked like he was about to lie and defend his childhood 'friend', then, he sighed and nodded slowly. "Y-yeah."

My eyes narrowed dangerously in fury and blue energy started to lightly surround my hands as I knew just how important those notebooks were to Izuku. I also sensed he wasn't telling me the whole story. "Did he do anything else to you?" I growled out.

Izuku looked like a deer caught in headlights and I knew something else did happen. He stammered again. "H-he did, but it's okay, because I'm fine and I can take care of myself!" He ended with a brave smile.

I grabbed one of his shoulders. "It's not okay! I hate it when he pushes you down like this!!" I looked down in pain and sadness. "Izuku, I'm pretty sure you've realized this, but..good things...don't usually happen for me. You and my parents are the only good things in my life! I can't stand it when someone hurts you!"

Izuku's expression went into shock.

I put up this front of being an easy going guy, but whenever someone bullies and makes fun of Izuku, parts of my mask come off and I start to lose my cool.

My eyes start to widen. When...did I become this close to Izuku? I thought of him as an acquaintance, but all the sudden, before I knew it, he became friend!

If Yuto finds out about him...No! He won't hurt Izuku! All I have to do is distance myself from him!

I let go of his shoulders and let my hair shadow my eyes. "N-never mind. See you in class tomorrow."

I started to walk away and right when I was out of his line of sight, I began to run to who knows where. A single tear dropped from my face.

No more friends! Please! I don't want to lose any more!

Images of fire and my friends' bodies came to my mind.

Please! Stop! I just want to forget! Even if it's just for a moment!

I stopped and faced towards the sky.

Even if it's just for a second...can't I pretend I'm normal?

I looked at my hands as they began to shake. I then remembered my goal and my hands clenched into a fist.

No! I can't pretend! I have to get rid of anything related to the Hiinatsuki Orphanage! That includes Yuto, whatever that's left of that pink liquid,

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