Chapter 14:Seeing The True Xander

Start from the beginning

What a prick right?

But I know somewhere deep inside me, this attitude won't last long. Xander will break it into a thousand fucking pieces.

2 Hours Later

After about 2 hours of silence and my deep thinking, I heard the door open for the second time today. Now, this was one of the most surprising things ever. I could barely see who was at the door. All I could tell was that I was a dark tall figure.

Only the dim light from the hallway showed the strangers body.

"Hello Meg." said the voice.

Xander...Only he knows that I absolutely hate being called Meg.

What a prick...

"Xander." I spat out.

"It's nice to see you again." I lied. He knew I was lying too cause as soon as I finished my sentence he let out a small chuckle being quite amused by 2 things.

1.By my choice of words in the first place.


2. The sarcasm that mostly filled the sentence.

"I wish I could say the same. Sorry I couldn't make it earlier my sweet Meg. I was quite busy. But my guess is that you really don't care about why I was busy. More likely you are interested in why I came to visit you." Xander said.

Busy? My guess is that he was once again balls deep into one of his STD filled whores.

"Right on the money, baby," I said once again sarcastically

"Watch it," Xander warned. But surprisingly his voice wasn't filled with rage. More amusement.

"Wow, clearly someone has grown some balls. Nobody would dare speak to me like that. EVER." Xander said clearly getting annoyed.

"Maybe you should grow some? Seems like that pissy attitude of yours could use some work. Maybe some testosterone would help you stop being such a fucking dick." I said smirking.

"How bored have you been?" Xander asked me laughing. "You truly must have been really bored to turn this bad within only a week or so," Xander said examining me.

"Yea, I've been really bored. Maybe you can help with that." I said reaching for his hand from my restraints.

Yeah, I'm trying to sleep with Xander.

Why you wonder...

I want to get out of here. Maybe if I can get him to take these fucking things off of me, maybe I have another chance to escape.

"Are you really that lonely that you would want to sleep with me?! Is this like that Stockholm Syndrom stuff?" Xander asked me.

HOLD UP: Before we continue this, I just want to give you a quick background know what this asshole is talking about. If you don't know what Xander is talking about, go look it up. It's called the Stockholm Syndrom. But if you are too lazy, then let me help you out a bit.

Stock·holm syn·drome


feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.

Now back on with the story...

"Sorta, but I've also just really need something to make me feel better. And I really think that you could help me with that." I said seductively. Trying my best to make him crawl on top of me.

"As much as I would love to see what you have in store. I actually won't be here for long. I just wanted to drop off a little present." Xander said smirking. Xander quickly turned around and walked out the door, then came back with a box in his hand.

The box was wrapped like a birthday present.

"This is for you. I had it grabbed from your home. I thought you might want it. I heard that you were quite close to it, so since you are so lonely, I thought it would give you some company." Xander said as he placed it on the table next to me.

Xander walked over toward me and untied the straps that held me down before handing me the box. I slowly sat up and untied the red bow that was on top of the present.

"Xander, what is inside here?" I asked him before opening to box.

"I guess you'll just have to see," Xander said once again smirking. Just by his smile, I was terrified to open this. My guess is that he murdered one of my fish and threw it into a box. And now thinking it over, I wish it was one of my fish that died. Cause what I saw next would give me nightmares for years.

I opened the lid and saw a small skull sitting in the box. I looked up to him confused. "What is this?" I asked him. "Who's is this?" I asked him.

"It's a skull of course. And that skull belongs to no one other than you sweet little brother." Xander said.

Before I could even say or do anything everything went black. I must have gone into pure shock of seeing my brother's skull. It was clean and small. Just like my brothers head. Those sons of a bitches must've cut his head off to even get this.

I cringed at the thought. I was soon awoken from my faint by water being dumped all on me. No, I wasn't lucky enough for it to be room temperature, or even somewhat warm to warm me up from the cold of this basement. I was unlucky enough to get ice-cold water.

"Wake up Megan." said an unfamiliar voice.

It had to be one of Xander's men. Maybe they would tie me back down and leave me to catch my death down here by dumping cold water on me.

I slowly opened my eyes as the adjusted to the light that the room was filled with.

Finally, after a good week and a half, I could finally be in the light. No longer hidden in the dark. Once I finally opened my eyes I saw a tall man standing over me. "Where are we going?" I asked them as they got me out of the chair and drug me out of the room.

"The boss has requested you to join him for breakfast." the man said.

"Why?!" I gritted out. "He literally just gave me a box that had my dear brother's skull inside of it! Why would he want to give me breakfast?!" I yelled. "Shut up!" The man yelled before slamming me up against the wall. "You should be fucking grateful! You are lucky he didn't just leave you there for another week!" the man yelled into my face.

"Fuck you. Fuck Xander. And fuck breakfast." I said before spitting on him. "You little bitch!" the man said before punching me so hard in the face that I fell down to the ground. I felt so much pain in my nose it was unbearable. I looked at the ground and saw blood. I saw more drip from my face.

He broke my nose. "Hey, what's taking so long?" asked a voice. I heard footsteps get closer and closer. I turned around to see who it was and it was the devil himself.


"Sorry boss. She was being difficult. She tried to hit me." the man lied.

"BULLSHIT! You just fucking punched me!" I screamed. Xander looked at me. "I don't like liars." He said to me. I cried out as he pulled out his gun. I closed my eyes awaiting my fate. I soon heard the loud bang of the gun going off. But I felt nothing.

I wasn't the one who was shot. I opened my eyes and saw the man laying on the ground with a bullet between his eyes.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Xander.

"William is a fucking liar. And as I just said, I hate liars." Xander said before helping me up.

"Now, come on. It's time for breakfast little one."

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