Haganezuka Hotaru

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Requested by BakaSotongg because she is smitten with Haganezuka haha.

You're one of the Demon Slayers being a rank lower than the Pillar. The reason was that you want to be able to protect the children whenever you can and you will have more time to watch over them than being a Pillar. You always on your high ponytail, showing how straightforward and confident you will be in anything. You also have a haori over you and ever since you announced your desire to take care of the children, they all called you their mother. You did not mind though.

You always smiled at anyone when they talked to you, which they always regard you as their mother due to your motherly trait. It was understandable since you were older than most of the people in the community.

You visited the Swordmith Village very often because of the rumored hot tub located within. It always soothen your sore body whenever you relaxed yourself in it, for sure, and the Love Pillar would always accompany you.

After that, you will always have sake with her, and it always amused you seeing how she could not handle herself well with alcohol.

Aside from that, you have an eye on a male that lived there. He usually seen vey quite and always focus on his work. You admired that from him, and you never really knew him eventhough he was your swordmith. The only time he ever meet you face to face was years ago when you first got your sword done by him.

He covered all around his head with cloth and a mask that made you so curious about his face, but you never asked because you knew that was what the Swordmith do. You never stick long enough to ask thinking it would be rude.

He looked so quite, but his body was way muscular than you thought he would. Not that you had seen him shirtless, but his body build was larger than yours. Even an average demon slayers had a thin body. The thoughts always turn your face into the color of red.

You knew the reason behind those masks when Mitsuri asked one of the villager as to why, and they answered that only their partners or family get to see each other's face. You only from behind when they continued explaining, and thinking over if you ever see the guy's face.

One day, he came when a young Demon Slayer named Tanjiro broke his sword. You watched as the swordmith was so angry over it. You glanced over your sword that never broke. You always make sure to keep the sword on top notch because your father used to tell you that the sword have their own memories that should never ever breaks.

Then you think, was it worth it ? If you breaks it, he will fix the memories for you right ?

You apologized silently to your father before you hit it hard against a huge boulder, breaking it into two.

A week later, he really came. You had prepared to hear a good lecture from the male, but all he did was informed the blade was forged and can be used again.

You blinked. You was hoping he would lash at you and got angry at you like he did to the young boy, but he did not do it. He sat in front of you and gently placed the swords in front of you in your Estate.

"Please don't break it again, (L/n)-san." He told you. You did not have words to say because you were embarrassed of what you did just to meet him.

He was about to turn around to leave, but you caught his wrist.

"Wait-" you said, and he looked at you. You could not see what he was actually since he had a mask on.

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