Animals and People

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I'm not really sure what the plot of this would be but each character would have an animal counterpart.  Not like Sally has a cat and Frank has a dog (not character names, by the way) but more like Sally has features of a cat in her personality and apperance while Frank looks and behaves like a dog.  I've only come up with one character so far and she doesn't even have a name yet.  I dont' know what kind of plot this would be either.  Also, please excuse the number of times I'm about to use the term "she"

She was a sweet girl with a strange face though no one could really pinpoint why.  She had large wideset brown eyes with a small nose above full lips.  She rarely smiled, though, because she found her front teeth to be too large althoug, in reality, they fit her face neatly. Her feet were another story, small dainty things that barely looked big enough to hold her upright.  She wasn't a particularly tall girl, though, and thin besides.  Her hair was a soft brown with just a hint of red. 

Can anyone tell me her animal?

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