Blurb Book-Explanation

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Okay so this is basically a place for me to get started on stories and see if I like them.  They might be a few paragraphs, they might be a few pages.  Be warned: I will (most likely) not pursue these unless I get a large outpouring of praise for one particular blurb or I finish something and have taken a fancy to one of these.  The other solution is that I have gotten so attached to the characters that I can't bear to leave them.  Also something of note, one "chapter" will be completely unrelated to those before and after unless explicitly stated.

I would like to have a place where i could say "Hey this is an idea I've got.  Is it any good?" and I'm hoping that by starting this, it will be a place to do so.  Please don't steal any of my ideas from here as I've worked hard to come up with them.  Luckily, no one has and I'd really like to keep it this way.

I haven't edited anything so please ignore it if you see any errors.  If the story takes off I'll edit before I publish.

Farväl, Kli

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