apocalypse diary

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well, first, I'd like to say that I'm typing this in my phone so I'm sorry about the errods that this will be riddled with.

December 21, 2012

Dear Diary,

well the Mayans were right. here we go. there was no way I was going to believe the end of the world nonsense without a good reason. it arrived.

this morning I felt a small quake but it barely rattled the windows. I do live in California so little.ones are no big deal. I'm serious about that. I've slept through quite a few.

first thing I did was turn on the news. I wasn't near the epicenter but those towns were pretty bad. most of them without power but not many dead. the east. coast had its own quake too. nothing g impressive aside from the fact that the east coast had an earthquake.

later in the power started to go on the fritz. I didn't think much of it at he time but now I think it might be something pretty bad. I mean, wow, really?

maybe I'm over analyzing something. its a common occurance. my brother doesn't understand. he's crazy.

I'm still not sure this is the end but let's just say that if there's any extra food I'm going to keep it here until it goes bad.


so in was thinking bout working on a post apocalyptic story just for fun, with the end of the world just passes and all.

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