"Does this habit run in the Sarutobi family?" Akira muttered, Choji and Shakamaru also chuckled while Asuma smiled remembering one occasional smoker.

After that introduction Akira and the the squad bonded over shogi and food. She spent her time learning about Asuma and she took an inkling liking to Ino but not enough to make her forget about how she treated Naruto.

"Oh yeah don't forget" Shikamaru said turning to Akira "My mom said to come by when your not busy" Akira frowned.

"Did she say what she needed me for?" She asked looking at the sky that had turned to an orange and red indacating the sunset. A smile came to her lips.

"Its beautiful right?" Shikamaru said with a chuckle.

"Hai" Akira replied still with the smile on her lips.

After the events she went back to their apartment finding Naruto making food...and you can guess what he was making, yep he was making ramen but Akira couldn't complain she also loved the said type of food but she preffered being her to make food not Naruto.

"Oh hey Akira-chan your back" He said taking out the packet of miso ramen from the microwave "Eto, how was your meeting go with Shikamaru and the others?" Naruto asked placing the chopsticks beside the food.

Akira chuckled "It was fun. I got to meet Asuma-sensei and the others, we played some shogi then went to the BBQ" Naruto groaned pouting.

"Ahhh...I wish Kakashi-sensei was like that" Naruto said with a dreamy look.

Akira knew her brother thought of having ramen the whole day at that thought Akira laughed and Naruto looked at her with a smile on his lips as it was rare for the young one to smile or yet laugh.

"What?" Akira asked looking at Naruto who also looked at her but he had this look that Akira couldn't put her finger to.

"Ie nothing" Naruto dismissed but called for her join her at the dinner table to get on with dinner.

The next day Team 7 and Akira who officially joined the squad, stood in front of the Hokage after their latest mission of capturing the missing cat, Tora. Akira cringed when the cat was hugged to death and she saw why Tora had ran.

"Okay then" The Hokage said "Team 7's next mission will include several available which are babysitting and shopping..." The blonde ninja decided to stop the Hokage before finishing his statement.

"NO!!!" Naruto yelled forming an X with his hand a little above his head, Akira wanted to laugh and reprimand Naruto at the same time "I want to go on real mission...something exciting and challenging not these kid stuff, come on old man" he whined.

On that Akira could agree with her brother, she also wanted more challenging missions to test her abilities and to prove she's not weak like everyone had thought. She want to make Kakashi and the Hokage proud and this was the way.

"Your just a brand new genin, how dare you!!" Iruka yelled which caused the group to finch but they still stood with their decision of wanting a more advanced mission "Like all genins you have to start with D-ranked missions"

"Are you serious old man, babysitting is a chore not a mission!!" Kakashi hit Naruto on his head.

Iruka and the Hokage atarted talking about how as genins have to follow the ranking or missions and their importance but Team Kakashi had another conversation going on...hey even Kakashi-sensei seeemed intrested in what Naruto said.

"Okay yesterday we had miso ramen, I think today we have to have a chicken or beef...or maybe you can cook today Akira-chan " Naruto said with a finger on his cheek, thinking.

"I think I can work something, or maybe we can go to Ichiraku's " Akira said shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Silence!!" The Hokage yelled, his fist hitting the desk...the genins and jounin all looked at the Hokage with nervous smiles.

"Forgive us Lord Hokage" Kakashi bowed.

"Old man, your always lecture me like your my grandfather and your not...I'm not little troublemaker that used to play pranks" Naruto said with frustration.

"Okay" The Hokage said and everyone looked at him surprised by his answer "Fine if Naruto wants to prove himself that his not a kid then I'll give all of you a chance to do a C-ranked mission...you'll be bodyguards "

"Nani? Really...who are we escorting a feudal lord, a princess?" Naruto asked surely excited.

"Bring in our visitor!" The Hokage yelled and an old geezer entered, the sake smelled from all over hima and made Akira want to gaga with the amout of sake that enveloped her nostrills.

"Ha! You expect these gaki's to guard and protect me" He said with a laugh "You little girl, what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be playing with your mother " Akira took her hands from her pockets already having thoughts of how to deal with the drunkard but Kakashi held held her back with the back of her collor.

"And you with the idiotic look on his face..do you expect me to believe that your a ninja" Naruto laughed while Akira looked at the man with a raised eyebrow.

"Hahaha, who do you think is the little one with the idiotic look on his face?" Naruto said and everyone waited for Naruto to catch on that the geezer had said "I'll demolish you!!" Naruto chrged at the old man but was held back again by Kakashi.

Akira saw this as an opportunity for her to pounce at the old geezer. She threw a punch at his face and threw him over her and held him down.

The room went silent, they weren't even sure what happened and all they saw was the man held down by Akira with a bleeding nose.

Once she noticed all the attention on her Akira removed herself from the spotlight and stood next to Naruto with an emotional look like nothing ever happened.

"I take back what I said" He stood wiping the blood from hi nose a little scared of the little girl "My name is Tazuna the master bridge builder and I expect you to protect and take me back to my village safely"

"Okay you heard that guys, go get everything "Kakashi nodded at the genins

AKIRA SASAKI [NARUTO]Where stories live. Discover now