Sun: Hey party people, you guys all excited for dress-up?

Ruby: Pfft... Yeah, right!

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night! Especially yours Y/n. (Winks)

You: (smirks) You never fail at doing that.

Weiss: (addressing Sun and Neptune) What are you two wearing?

Sun: Uuhhh... this? (gestures to his current shirtless outfit)

Neptune: (steps up and holds a hand in front of his friend's face.) Ignore him for he knows not what he says.

Ty: The dance is semi-formal isn't it.

Sun: (knocks Neptune's hand away) Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.

Yang: (mirroring Ruby's and Weiss) Yeah, we noticed.

Sun: (rubbing the back of his head, preparing to ask:) Soooo... what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know... Blake-y?

You: Yeah you could say that.

Weiss: Obviously. (turns and crosses her arms in disapproval)

Ruby: I still can't think of a way to change her mind.

Ty: (hand on Ruby's shoulder) I'm sure you'll think of something.

Yang: Guys. (everyone looks at her as she starts walking out) Trust me; Blake will be at the dance tomorrow.

You: Well you heard the lady, she's got this.


Walking through the halls of the dorm you could see that something was bothering Ty.

You: What's up partner, you seem down?

Ty: I was wondering can you tell me how you and Yang got together.

You: (caught off guard) Huh? That was out of the blue. I mean... it was a little complicated but why do ask?

Ty: (poking fingers together) There's someone I wanted to ask to the dance.

You: Let me guess.... Ruby?

Ty: (nods) That obvious huh.

You: Yeah but why don't you just tell her.

Ty: Do people actually tell their crushes they like them.

You: Well yeah? Why what do you do?

Ty:..... Die?

You: (facepalms) Seriously.

Ty: (panicked) I don't know ok! I've never really talked to girls.

You: (puts hand on his shoulders) Look just relax alright, just go up to Ruby and let her know how you feel. I mean the worst she can say is no right?

Ty: Yeah I guess your right, Might as well go now before I lose my nerve.

You: (watching him run off) You can do it buddy!

At that moment your scroll started to go off, looking at the number you saw it was Junior.

You: Crap hope this isn't about the car. (Answers scroll) Hey Junior.

Junior: (Scroll) Hey kid you need to get down here, you got a visitor.

You: A visitor?

Junior: Just get down here. (Hangs up)

You: Wonder who it is?

Leaving the dorms you noticed Jaune outside, he had a huge smile on his face while he carried a white rose that bounces up and down.

You: Jaune?

Jaune: (jumps up) Oh hey Y/n what are you doing out this late?

You: About to make a quick trip to Vale, you?

Jaune doesn't answer instead you both saw Weiss quickly running across the courtyard, Jaune then pulls you behind a nearby wall to hide.

You: So Weiss again?

Jaune: (nods) Yeah this time I'm going to be completely honest with her. No pick up lines just going to be myself.

You: (smiles) Good for you man now go get her.

Jaune steps from behind the wall and suddenly he froze, you also look out from the wall to see Weiss and Neptune.

Weiss: I know this is a little unorthodox, but... I wanted to ask you something. (she puts her hands behind her back trying to look innocent as Jaune drops his smile and recoils at the oncoming words) Would you... like to accompany me to the dance tomorrow?

While Neptune rubs the back of his head and smiles with raised eyebrows, Jaune loses all of his confidence and drops the rose on the ground before walking back towards the dorm as you watched him go.

You:(sighs and picks up rose) Poor guy, Now I guess I should be on my way.


Making your way inside Junior's nightclub to your surprise it was empty besides the Malachite twins and Junior at the bar.

You: Hey Junior, about your car I swear I had nothing to do with it.

Junior: It's not about that and your lucky I have insurance.

You: (takes seat) Oh then who's this visitor you mentioned?

???: (throwing arm around your shoulder) That would be me, long time no see Kid.

You: (pushes him off) Get off! The hell are you doing here...Lex?

Lex: Is that any way to greet an old friend.

You: We aren't friends.

Lex: Shame, after all wasn't it me that got you off the hook with Lil Miss by getting you into the spiders.

You: ....

Lex: Give us the room won't you Junior.

Junior rolls his eyes and goes into the backroom of the club followed by the twins. Lex then takes a seat beside you and grabs a bottle from the bar.

Lex: (drinks) So how much do you have left to pay?

You: Don't act like you even care, your enjoying this.

Lex: Well I do find it amusing.

You: Still a dick a I see.

Lex: (chuckles) You really think that running all the way over here to Vale would put you out of her reach?

You: I didn't break the deal, I can here for clues about my dad and I still send her lien to pay off what Torchwick and Neo stole from her.

Lex: I got an offer for you kid.

You: (gets up and walks away) No thanks I'll pass.

Without turning around he calls out.

Lex: What if I said you'd be able to cut ties with the spiders permanently.

At that you froze.

You: Go on.

Chapter end

Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Vol 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें