Dippers POV :

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Summer is coming to an end...I have to go back to California. I actually don't want to go home, Gravity Falls feels like home now...I met so many people, Soos, Grunkle Stan, and Wen--

Wendy! The most perfect girl I've ever laid my eyes on! Aw, man, I have to leave! How will I tell her I like...love her? Wait, I have a plan. "Wendy!?" I say as I walk up to her tiny cabin for our usaual movie day. She came out, with her beautiful red hair, and her little lumber jack hat too.

"Oh hey Dip." She said looking at me... I keep telling myself 'She's too old for you, move on, Dipper'. She's just too cute and perfect to move on from! She is funny and cute and I like her. Its a good thing that her and Robbie are done, maybe even for good this time.

"Oh-Uh Hey Wendy!" I stuttered quickly. I waved awkwardly, as always, she laughed a little and I laughed along. Mabel suddenly popped out of the bushes.

"HEY BRO BRO!" She yelled in my ear. "HOW'S YOUR DAT--" I covered her mouth before she could say anything.

"Can you just uh...exuse uh...us." I say, Blushing of embarrassment.

Sorry for the short chapter. I will try to make them longer as we go, thanks for reading,

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