XXII: Invitation

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    Sam and I walk down the hall with our arms linked heading to the cafeteria. She is telling me about this guy who went on the open microphone yesterday at Tempest but apparently he didn't know that singing wasn't his talent. She tells me how awkward it was when he finished and people didn't know what to do because they had never heard someone murdering a song like he did. We laugh at the memory although she says she felt really bad. I would've gone with her but Zeke and I went to the orphanage to introduce Loki, the dog we found on the streets almost a month ago, to the kids. Sam would've come with us if she hadn't committed herself to go to the caféthat day. Zeke and I clearly had a better time with the kids and a very spoilt Loki. 

It's funny how time has gone by that fast. It seems it was yesterday when I had that dream and woke up from my slumber, when Sam and I started talking, when I got intrigued by Zeke until I finally approached him. But here we are today, close friends the three of us. We spend loads of time together and it's not all the time hanging out, we also study because as they take me to different places, I help them with their weak subjects. My performance in school is as perfect as before so my parent can’t complain, but I'm also doing other things besides studying, which is also helping me to expand my horizons and have a better perspective when I study. I dare to say I'm doing even better on that field.

I never imagined I could say something like this, but Sam and Zeke are my best friends and everyone knows we are a group. The kids don't even look at Zeke anymore for hanging out with us and he doesn't get into that many fights; not because he doesn't try but because we manage to stop him when we are around. He has short temper and when he sees Butch, or any other, bullying a kid he has a hard time controlling himself. I have to remind him that using his fists puts him in the same place that the bully and he is better than that. Of course, not all the time I can reach him before he explodes and he's got in trouble with the headmaster a few times. However, I've noticed they are not acting as unfair as before. The other time Zeke got suspended it was just for one day whilst Butch got suspended for three, verdict I understand because there was blood and even some bruised ribs. It was an ugly fight but Sam and I weren't around, we knew when someone said that Zeke and Butch were again in the headmaster's office.

Despite I don't like that Zeke loses his temper so easily and can jump into a fight with a bully in a second, I do like his complexity. He can fight for the defenceless and he can also be the most caring person in the world. He's not just this guy who seeks justice with his own hands, he also tries to improve the world with his help, for example the fact that he really adopted Loki. The little scared and abandoned puppy we found. He couldn't manage to take him to the shelter because he totally fell for this little and playful puppy’s charm. I think it's also partially my responsibility because I'm completely smitten with Loki and I guess Zeke kept the puppy around also for me.

Sam says Zeke does a lot for me, and even if the two of them get along great and also are friends, she insists that if I weren't with her, Zeke and her would've never got close. She argues that if it were her telling Zeke not to fight when we catch Butch bullying someone, he wouldn't listen like he does with me. When I asked what was her point with saying that she said, "because I think he fancies you."

I didn't dare to talk more about that because it made me feel very awkward and it's another field in which I’m lacking too much. The logic way to approach a problem is by knowing how much you can handle and going for it, you can't overwork yourself or try to cover too many aspects because at least one of those will be neglected. Romance, in any way, is still a subject I can't approach yet because I'm focusing on understanding and building friendship. Plus, thinking of the possibility of something else besides friendship with Zeke makes me feel too anxious and agitated so I rather not confuse things.

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