Chapter 8: Memory

Start from the beginning

Well,  I did get nightmares. I condoned him in my room. 

"Are you brothers?"  I asked him that night. He seemed to think a little too long, but in the end his reply was as complicated as strange.

"If you like to think of it that way."

This answer kept me awake the entire night. I couldn't stop thinking... This was all so strange, so wrong. There were things that Loki was hiding from me, that was clear. He withheld things on purpose.

I had to find out the truth about my past.


(Tom P.O.V.)

The house was hollow.

The fact that I didn't have anything to do till the premiere of 'War Horse' didn't make it any better. She was away, she was with him. She forgot our love, she forgot me. Just remembering the feeling of my fingers trailing over her cheek was burning. Who knew love could be so violent?

And there was I, sitting alone in this  shell of a body and drowning in my pain. I for sure hadn't showered for days, had grown a beard. Given that Loki has probably having the time of his life now, he was looking strong and healthy. I had lost weight. 

Just lying there and crying while he was charming her pants off.

The thought that suddenly crossed my mind quickened my heartbeat. It throbbed violenty, fast, hot. I felt it in my chest, for the first time in forever.  It was the only emotion apart from sadness I had felt for so long. Adrenaline shot through my veins and I couldn't help but shake. My breaths became deeper and quicker while my blood raced to every little cell of my body. 

This long and no more. I wasn't going to sit here and watch her lose me and our future. I would change our fate, and I would do it now.  Loki wasn't going to have her, she was mine. Rightfully and emotionally.

I got up, had a long and hearty shower. I had already taken the razor in my hand when I decided, no. Men had beards, why not? A few minutes later I had a nice manly beard. Caroline was going love it!  My dirty clothes were already on the ground as I took on jeans, a blue shirt and a leather jacket.

Caroline always told me how handsome I looked when I wore it.

I hastily shove whatever had remained in the fridge into my mouth and jumped into the new car, but not before grabbing our wedding album on my way out.  I turned the radio on and heard a song that tightened my throat as it was so true.

No light, no light, in your bright blue eyes, I never knew daylight could be so violent, a revelation in the light of day. You can't choose what stays, and what fades away. And I'll do anything to make you stay, no light, no light, no light...

I turned it off again. This was too much. There had to be a light, a revelation of the truth. And the truth was that she belonged to me, nothing could change that. Not even Loki with all his power.

Self-conscious and confident, I reached Loki's mansion. There weren't many people who could sneak up on him. I knew he had noticed me approaching long before I pulled up his driveway, but I didn't care. Nothing would have stopped me that moment. I did have some of Loki's gifts, even as a hybrid. I heard them sitting on the terrace long before I stepped out. 

I walked up the few stairs to the table and earned an instant dirty look from Loki, while Caroline seemed to be quite pleased. She looked so much better since I last saw her - it made me both happy and sad at the same time. I had to thank Loki. 

"What are you doing here?"  He spat, and there went my duty to thank him. I copied his bloody grin and raised my eyebrows.

"I am visiting my wife, remember this?" I raised my hand and showed off my pride and joy. "Say, Caroline, would you like to go for a walk with me?"  I asked facing her and deliberately ignoring Loki.

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