Part 17

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Swinging an old sword at a bed post in the servants quarters, I soon realise I have no experience in fighting as the sword barely cut into the wooden bed post. I need to find better training techniques.

Defeated, I sigh, swinging the blade around the the air as I thought. Why do I have to do this? There's no one to compete with me; it's only the king and his grievances. It's his fault.

Anne is truly delightful. She saw she overstepped and where she went wrong. She gave up. Why can't I have Roman now?

I decide to go out to the yard, bringing my sword with me, along with a friend to practice with. Remy was a pretty decent swordsman and ,despite never needing to put it into practice, was gifted at his craft.

After an hour or two of what was basic techniques, we finally got onto an actual battle however it resembled fencing more than it did a sword fight. We did this for hours on end, until the sun fell in the horizon when I could finally beat him without him going easy on me.

My first day of training wasn't so bad as much as it was uneventful. I stayed in the yard a while after Remy left, collecting my thoughts when I feel someone pelting grapes off my head as they hiss,"Virgil." In order to get my attention.

I divert my gaze up to princess room to seen him leaning out of his window and throwing a rope ladder out of his window.

"Climb up."

"Where did you even get that," I laughed slightly as I make my way up.

"I found it under my bed."

As soon as I reached the top, I pressed my lips to his, feeling my heart pound. I missed that feeling. I'm determined to never have to leave him alone again. 

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