Part 13

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"I'm still not sure!" the King declares.

"Love is love. It's what makes life worth living," the Queen takes a breath in,"You want our son to be happy, don't you?"

"Of course I do!" they continue to argue.

"they're acting like we aren't even here," Roman whispers to me," I might as well live on Mars."

"They just want what's best for you and the kingdom ," I whisper back," it's a hard thing to balance."

"I guess," he smiles at me. I smile back.

The Queen silences the King's rant, nudging him and he looks to us. My smile slowly drops as does Romans. Why is this so complicated? Why cant we just get married? The bloodline won't end; We could get a surrogate. There has to be a lesbian Princess out there that would be willing to carry Roman's Baby. It's a win win situation. We could grow old together. Just us and our kids.

These thoughts make me grin for a split second however I soon realise this is not the place nor time. I doubt that this would ever come true.

"Virgil..." The King says softly as Roman takes my hand and flashes me a reasuring smile," You're going to have to prove yourself to me. Prove that you are worthy of Romans hand."

Soon me and Princey's goofy grins return as we here this. I let out a weak yet still audible,"Yes sir."

I'm not giving up without a fight...

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