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Hayes POV -

Me and Nash went to Aeropostale to do some shopping. We went in and a girl was looking at me. I went over and we started talking and kissed me. I started kissing back when I heard HAYES. I looked and it was Kristina and izzy. I ran up to her but lost her in the mall.

At home-
Kristina's POV-
I was crying in bed and then all of a sudden got a text form Hayes and it said can we talk? I text back yes and he was over in seconds. He told me the whole story. I yelled and said you kissed back.
He agreed and I said that we need a break. He started crying and screaming. Renee walked in and told Hayes to leave.

That night-
Me and the girls watched YouTube and baked. I got a tweet from Hayes and it said why am I such am idiot. I tweeted back and said you made a mistake. I fell asleep and just dreamed about Hayes.

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