New friends

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Kristina's pov-

I was in my room and heard screaming from my patio doors. I looked out and it was the guys and girls plus more guys. I got on a swimsuit and ran downstairs to jump in the pool. I jumped in the pool and Hayes swam up to me and kissed me. He introduced me to the guys and Matthew Espinosa kept starring at me. We all just messed around and played a lot of chicken. My dad ordered pizza and it was all gone in an instant. It was getting late. The guys went home and were coming back over at 9:30.

Later on

We all just lounged around and watched movies. The boys went and got fro yo for everyone. We decided to hide and shoot them with dart guns. The guys pulled up and walked in and we got them really good. They all chased after us and caught us and tickled with us and till we could not breath anymore. We all chilled after that and Hayes and others went to bed. The only ones that were up was me and Matt.

Matts pov-

Kristina is really funny,sweet and cute. I wish she was single cause I would so ask her out in a instant. But I will just wait for the right time if that ever comes. We got to know each other really well and we just talked forever.

Kristina's pov-

I got tired and told Matt night and went and cuddled with Hayes and fell asleep.

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