Date night!

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Hayes POV-

I still can't believe she said yes and I just met her last week. I had one hour till I had to go get her and I was so nervous. I was wearing a black vans shirt and khakis with my black and white vans. We were gonna go to eat at her favorite restaurant which is panera bread and then go walk on the beach.

I went over to get her and I knocked on the door and Renae answered the door. she told me that Kristina will be down soon and She said if I hurt her that she will hurt me. I just laughed and waited for Kristna to come down

Kristina's POV-

I was already I was wearing a coral circle skirt and a black infinty shirt the infinty sign was in coral as well. My shoes were my black converse with studs on the toe part and my hair was straight with a braid piece.

I walked down the stairs and saw Hayes and he looked so cute in his outfit. He said ready to go and I said yes. Nash took us in his car and said to call him later. I was so happy we went to panera and that is my favorite restaurant.

After were done eating we walked to the beach and it was so romantic we held hand and walked around. Then we called Nash and he came and got us. Nash dropped us off at my house so he could get Renae to take her on her date to the carnival.

Hayes and I sat on my front porch swings and talked a bit. It was getting late and I was getting tired. We stood in front of my door and I said bye to Hayes then all of a sudden he cupped my face and kissed me for 3 minutes and I was shocked I felt the sparks go off. Then he said goodnight Beautiful and walked home.

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