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Kristina's POV-

So today is the day competition starts and I can not wait. I am so ready to perform and hopefully get some scholarships.

Hayes POV-

So we are in the hotel room in NYC and we are getting ready to surprise Kristina.

We are surprising here in the warm up room when it's just her team. So here goes nothing.

Kristina's POV-

So we are warming me up for my solo. My solo is to Drop in the ocean by Ron Pope. I stand up with Natalie so I can spot her for my turns.

I look at Nat and start turning. But when I turn to face she is not there. It is a boy with white roses and all of a sudden I am in the arms of Hayes. I am so glad he is here.

Hayes POV-

The plan went perfectly and she is so happy to see me and the girls plus Nash. We went to the audience and sat down. Kristina was up next and I could not wait.

After performance

I ran back to the practice room and ran up to Kristina and picked Kristina up and spinner her around cause she did amazing.

Kristina's POV-

I still can't believe Hayes is here. I went back on stage for the Awards for solos and I won First over all in my category and judges favorite solo costume. My costume was a white and turquoise 2 piece with a white pierce of fabric across my stomach.

Few hours later

I went out to eat with the girls Nash and Hayes. We went to this dinner by Broadway and it is called the starlight dinner or something. The waitress sing to you and it was so much fun.

After dinner

We went back to the hotel at 11:30. I had to get to bed cause I have a huge day tomorrow. I said my goodbyes and went to my room.

I took a shower got in my pjs and went to bed immediately.


I finally updated! I will be updating tommorow on the way to the mall cause it is an hour away.

Thank you so much for being patient with my writers block.


Jaycee 🌻💗

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