My vision cleared as I noticed Stiles before me.

When I looked around us, it was just him and I. I caught him before he fell to the ground, which was starting to turn wet from the amount of blood coming out from the wound I had inflicted on him. I held him so close to me as I cradled his cheek. Sobbing I tried to whisper words of reassurance but he only smiled up at me.

"It wasn't your fault..." he breathed out.

I tried to shush him but when he went limp in my arms, I lost it.


My eyes burned as I let out a scream, waking me out of my sleep. My mother had rushed into my room as she pulled me into her arms, holding me tightly. I sobbed in her arms as I held her as well.

"You're safe..." she cooed, "It was just a dream...".

"Stiles... I hurt him, mom... I have to see him, I need to know he's okay," I sobbed, "I need him, mom..."

She nodded, quickly picking my phone up and dialing his number. The call didn't take long for it to connect as Stiles asked what was wrong. My mother asked him to come over, trying to explain what was happening. She was talking to Noah as well as she explained to him as well. Mr. Stilinski agreed to Stiles coming over.

My mother left the room for a moment, trying to get tea made for me in order to calm my nerves. I plugged in my headphones into my phone as I began to listen to music as loud as I can handle. Knees pulled close to my chest, I rocked myself a bit as I waited for Stiles to get here. I refused to close my eyes, as the image of Stiles dying in my arms pledged my darkness.

I jumped a bit when I felt a pair of arms hug me but it was only Stiles.

I pushed my headphones off as I returned the hug. I buried my face into his chest as I cried. He whispered words of reassurance as he rubbed my back.

"What happened?" I heard him ask.

"Whatever happened at school," I heard my mother answered, "It must have been traumatic. I'm worried. She's not healing as fast as she should be."

I felt Stiles move my hair to the side in order to look over my wound.

"We were planning to talk about what's been happening in the morning, but I think we should do it now since it can help with Juliette's current state," my mother offered.

Stiles shook his head as I clung closer to him, "I think we should wait until the morning... I don't think Juliette is in the right place to talk about it."

My mother sigh, "Everything is okay, right?"

"No..." I finally spoke up, "Everything is becoming a nightmare..."

"Juliette..." she breathed out, "Rest, we'll talk about it later."

I waited until I heard my mother close the door and entered her own room to finally pull away from Stiles. He took a hold of my face as he tried to look for anything out of the ordinary besides the wound still trying to heal on my temple. He gave my forehead a long peek before pulling away once more.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to prepare myself to answer him.

Giving him a nod, I answered, "I-I had a horrible dream. I kept hearing everyone calling my name but when I followed your voice I found everyone on the ground hurt and on the verge of dying. I saw the Alpha, it had Scott by his side as if he were his bloodhound. It just looked at me with this wicked grin. He took my mother first and killed her before my very own eyes. That caused my shift to not work. I couldn't change to save anyone, but when he killed Lydia next, I lost it. I went to attack him but when I did, I ended up hurting you... I killed you, Stiles... I'm afraid to lose you..."

Hidden Under the Moon [Stiles Stilinski]Where stories live. Discover now