4.0| LAZY DAY.

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Day 12: Let her dominate. Tell your partner what you want. (Bonus play: ropes or handcuffs)

Chapter dedication: PLLgirl_27

Song recommendation for the chapter : Bruno Mars - Lazy Song. 🎶🎶


Chris woke up first.

Lee was still sleeping soundly, her breaths escaping her slightly parted lips in little sighs.

He meant to text his mom last night, to let her know he'd call her today.

You distracted me.

He'd been so preoccupied with the thought of surprising Lee in bed when she was asleep that texting his mom hadn't even occurred to him.

Chris had to inform her about Lee or else his mother would have another lady waiting for him, which would be awkward as hell. Besides, he wasn't looking to give Lee the wrong impression about him and his family.

"I need to call mother, that woman. . ." he said aloud.

Lee dragged her pillow over her head, bending it so it was clamped around her.

Chris grabbed his phone and slid from the bed. He didn't think Lee would appreciate him talking while she was trying to sleep. He wandered into the kitchen and set about trying to make coffee. He dialed his mom while he was leaned over trying to find the switch the button. His head was too clouded this morning, besides he just got the damned thing and never got around to using it.

"Christopher Oswald Ross, why haven't you picked up your phone?"

"Mom," he said, experimentally pushing a button that did absolutely nothing. "It hasn't rung. I'm sorry I forgot to call. I'm fine, everything's okay. I am coming to your party."

He put her on speakerphone and checked his call log. He didn't have any missed calls. He told her this when she started to argue. "Service has been spotty," he said, "I have been busy too."

"And you couldn't find a way to call your mother?" She said. After a moment she sighed. "You know I worry."

"I said I'm sorry." He hit the magic button, and the machine whirred to life. Now he just had to find where he kept the coffee.

His mom heaved another sigh that was clearly audible over the line. "You'll have to come to the house early, because I know you so well my son. Are you bringing a date or do I have to find you one?"

"The coffees in the pantry, middle shelf."

Chris turned at the sound of Lee's sweet voice. He stared. She was wearing one of his old t-shirts with nothing underneath it. Her nipples poked at the material and the shirt rode up her thighs every time she moved. Her could see the curly reddish gold hair down there.

It took effort for Chris to draw his gaze up, but he found her face just as fascinating. Her hair was sticking every which way, ruffled from sleep, and she had a pillow crease cutting across one of her cheeks. Her eyes weren't even fully open.

"Who was that?" demanded his mom. "Do you have someone over?"

He could practically hear the curiosity dripping from her tone. Lee started to open her mouth. Chris darted forward and placed his hand over it.

"Mom, I'll be there as soon as I get off from work and take a quick shower at home." He paused as Lee bit him, making a grumpy face at him. "Stop that," he mouthed. To his mom, he said, "I do have a guest over, she's a friend of Dominik's."

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