Chapter 2 - Guts and Lust

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[Tactical lemon incoming!]

Both the school and city were peaceful as students already went home and people were in the middle of working hours. The only exception to that was a small crowd composed mostly of male student, gathered around a brand-new Porsche supercar parked near the school.

"I wonder to who this car belongs" One of the girls in the crowd pondered.

"Maybe someone rich is going to transfer here?" Her friend giggled and noticed Y/N and Ms Kumagai walking towards their direction "Oh, look. One of the losers from the gaming club. At least their president is a hottie"

Y/N was trying his best to keep the low profile. Meanwhile, Ms Kumagai gathered stares of most males, looking like she was about to glory kill a girl who sat on the car to take a selfie.

"Who is he walking with? A secretary? Is he stalking her?"

Before unlocking the car, Ms Kumagai pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the place where the girl sat.

A lot of jaws dropped when she opened the doors for Y/N. She sat on the driver's seat next to him with confidence, while he tried his best to keep a straight face and avoid eye contact with the crowd.

"Here," Ms Kumagai pulled out a pair of sunglasses "Put those on"

Y/N put on the sunglasses and with newfound feeling of privacy he looked at the crowd. Most students were looking at him with envy. Rest of them was either talking about cars or looking out of curiosity.

"So, how long will the trip take?" Y/N asked as they joined the traffic.

"Around six hours" She answered.

Y/N looked at his phone. It was 3 PM.

"There is already a room prepared for you, along with a meal" She quickly added "You don't need to worry about a thing"

'I'm starting to worry that this might be a horror story...'

"Boi," Zipper in his jeans quietly opened "It doesn't matter if this is action or horror story, they can't rape you if you rape them first"

'Thanks, Boner of Wisdom. But the horror is about killing, not the rape'

"Then slaughter them without mercy. Scatter their remains like filth and use their lower half to--"

Y/N zipped the jeans before the Boner of Wisdom could finish.

"Did you said something?" Ms Kumagai asked without taking her eyes off the road.

"No, it must have been the wind" He lied naturally as he breathed "Can you tell me more about my uncle?"

"Mast-I mean Mr Robert was a kind and intelligent person, but some call him a demon for his rougher side. He built his company from the scratch and was well-knew in many circles"

"He was in the military?" Y/N asked, wondering what could that man possibly left him.

"Yes, but he disliked talking about it. All I know is that he was in Afghanistan and left the US shortly after his return"

Y/N looked ahead, lost in thoughts once again "Do you know what he left me in his will?"

"Yes, his will has been read two days ago. But he insisted that you need to watch a recording he made"

He ran out of topic to talk about and simply started through the window at the city. A lot of students were partying and celebrating.

"Hmm" She glanced at his clothes after stopping on a red lights.

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