He handed out a few more leaflets, running across the square to join Henry.
"This is crazy, this is fucking crazy," he panted, a huge grin on his face despite the fear coursing through his body.

Henry nodded, a smile also on his lips, before it quickly fell and was replaced by one of sheer terror.

"Elijah, they're here," he squeaked, pointing to the opposite side of the square where a large group of police men had appeared.

"Shit," Eli muttered, grabbing Henry's sleeve and pulling him away. He grabbed his remaining leaflets and threw them in the air so they'd fall all over the street, and then he started running, pulling Henry in tow.

He darted off down a side street, feet pounding in a steady rhythm on the cobbles. He was running as fast as he could, wind rushing past his ears as he zigzagged through alley ways and along rows of pretty houses. He could hear gunshots in the distance, and he didn't know if it was from the square or if they were chasing them. Probably both.






Steady, almost calming. Just the sound of them running, panting. The occasional gunshot the only thing breaking the pattern. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, spurring him on, keeping him going.

He didn't dare look behind them in case the police were right there. He just kept running, not sure where he was, not sure when it was safe to stop.

"Eli, Eli," Hal said, grabbing the back of his coat to stop him as he pulled him into another side street. He opened up a trash can and took off his hat, scarf and coat, dumping them in the bin.

"Good thinking, Hal," Eli nodded, doing the same quickly before continuing to walk down the very narrow and dirty street. "I think we lost them," he whispered, finally coming to a stop. "We survived."

Hal just nodded in agreement, too out of breath to say anything else. Eli leant back against the wall, tilting his head right back against the rough stone. He could see the sky between the narrow gaps in the houses, the clouds moving quickly across the blue. He closed his eyes, smiling widely as he slipped down the wall to the floor, laughing as he caught his breath.
"I'm alive."

Eventually, they emerged from the alley way when they were certain the police had moved on from the area. They looked totally different, but they split up just in case to avoid suspicions. Eli set off first, hands in his pockets, trying not to look suspicious as he tried to find his way back to the square where they'd meet up with Lotte again.

He was so happy he felt like dancing down the street. It had worked. It had all gone to plan. No one had got hurt. It was the best outcome they could have hoped for.

As he walked, he became vaguely aware of footsteps behind him. He kept walking, trying to ignore it. Loud, clicking steps, walking quickly, proudly. The street was empty except for a girl in her late teens walking towards them. He turned his head to the side, trying to see who was behind him without making it too obvious.

SS. Right behind him, his dark uniform so out of place on the pretty street they were walking down. Eli turned back around quickly and sped up his steps slightly, again hoping he wasn't being too obvious.

SchatziOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora