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Troye and Finn have been on the road for 10 hours now. They've made 3 stops, one to feed Finn, another to change him, and one more to feed him again. He's been pretty good, no crying, just sleeping and getting a little fussy when he needs something. Their 4th stop would be coming up soon, Troye needs to get a bite to eat, and Finn needs to be changed again.

Troye has fallen in love with LANY, Oh Wonder, and Cavetown, thanks to Jacob. So he's been going through all of their albums during this long road trip, quietly singing along, trying not to wake Finn.

Liz has been blowing up his phone, he hasn't opened any of the messages or answered any of the calls. He's waiting for advice from Jacob on what to do about it; if he should block her or explain it to her, or ignore her. He knows Jacob will know what to do, he always does.

After about 30 more minutes of driving he see's a sign for McDonald's, he sighs at the poor selection of food places, but decided to stop there anyways because he needs to eat and change Finn.

He takes the exit, and finds the McDonald's.

"Alright Finn buddy, cmon" He says, unbuckling his son and bring him to his chest. He shuts the car door and holds Finn carefully, making sure he supports his head and back.

Finn cooed as wind blew on his face, but shortly went back to sleep on Troyes shoulder.

Troye ate a sandwich, and changed Finn. And back to the car they went, for 5 more hours of driving.


Troye ☹ :

Troye ☹ : 10 hours down, 5 to go

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Troye ☹ : 10 hours down, 5 to go. Just ate some shitty McDonald's, Finn had a meltdown in the bathroom, but we're goin strong.

Jacob ☼ : You look good! Got that fatherly glow goin for you. No but 5 you're half way here, everything's ready for you. You can sleep for hours when you get here. You've got this.
Jacob ☼ : Has Finn been quiet most of the ride?

Troye ☹ : yes he's been SCHLEEP. I wish I could sleep that much. He gets fussy when he's hungry or needs to be changed but that's understandable.

Jacob ☼ : Aw sweet boy.
Jacob ☼ :

Jacob ☼ : I'm sleep until you're close to Portland, pls text me when close

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Jacob ☼ : I'm sleep until you're close to Portland, pls text me when close.

Troye ☹ : I will! Sleep well Jay!!

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