Chapter 3: Anger

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Chapter 3: Anger

Renesmee refused to speak, let alone see, Jacob. I felt very guilty when, after four days she still hadn’t made a move to see him. She kept reassuring me that everything was fine, but I wasn’t that stupid. She had even learnt to keep her thoughts different for when her father was near. There was no telling if she would ever communicate with Jacob again.

“Alice, did I really make the right decision?” I asked her as I stretched across her bed. It was close to nine o’clock at night and Renesmee was in the cottage sleeping.

“You did,” she said quietly. “It is just hard on her.”

“How I wish you could see her future,” I muttered under my breath.

“I may not be able to see her future but I know that she will be fine. What would you do if your mother told you that she had been with Edward before you?”

“You’re telling me I did the right thing and then you try to change my feelings. I would react to that! That is disgusting.”

“Well fine then; would you have preferred to have been told before you started dating Edward or whilst you were with him?” she knew how to get me.

“I guess I would prefer before because I would know what was coming my way. But even if she’d have told me that I probably wouldn’t have gotten together with Edward.”

“Yes you would have. Edward would have used every skill he has; the force of his eyes, his smell, he would have even saved your life over and over again. Trust me you would have.” I did say I wouldn’t go against Alice.

“Alice what are you seeing?” Her hand was too her head and she was out of it. It was a sudden vision and her face was blank. We hadn’t seen it coming. I was used to her visions by now that I didn’t need to call Jasper in –although he could probably hear us. I could tell when her vision was over because her breath came in a sudden gasp. “Alice,” I encouraged.

“I was having a vision of you and then all of a sudden the vision changed and it wasn’t even your decisions that had it changed or anything.” Her voice was confused and she seemed very worried. “I saw the Volturi.” She gasped the word. We knew they were going to come back eventually.

“Alice, Bella!” Edward was at the door. He had read her mind and heard her; that much was obvious. “I know I said I wouldn’t interrupt or listen in but I could not help that. What about the Volturi?”

“Their coming Edward,” Alice’s voice was broken and I could tell that if she could, she would be on the verge of tears.

“When?” Edward whispered. His glance turned to outside, towards the cottage. We already knew why they were coming.

“I don’t know, I could only see their sudden decision. Edward, you should know by now that even if I tried to dig to when they arrived, I wouldn’t be able to. There will be wolves as well as Renesmee present, they block my visions.” Her voice was angry.

“Bella,” Edward turned to me. If I was human I would’ve been on the floor in such a bad state of panic. “We have to go, I don’t feel safe leaving Renesmee alone any more.”

“Sorry Alice, can you do me a favour?” I looked at her desperately.

“Anything for my sister,” she smiled sweetly.

“Warn Jacob, I think we will be having a few sleepovers here.”

“Of course Bella, I will go and prepare Edward’s room for Renesmee,” she was off in what would have been a blur to a human.

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