Chapter 9 - Aashi

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Her eyes widened and her heart dropped to her feet. She was looking straight at the proof that Arjun had cheated on her. There he was lying on a sofa with Elina lying on him. The photo was sent from an unknown number and it was sent about ten times - she didn't have to think too hard about who this could be from. Clearly Elina was laying her claim on Arjun plain and clear. How could he do this to her? And he was in their bedroom acting like this was the most normal thing in the world - like it was a married mans birth right to have any woman he wanted without consequences! Well not this time!!
She was fuming as she stomped upstairs. She didn't know what she would do or say but she knew that something drastic had to be done. Mid way through her ascent, her phone rang. It was Divya.

"Can I call you back?" Aashi said without letting Divya get a word in.

"No! We need to talk" her voice was fuelled by a sense or urgency that Aashi couldn't ignore.

"What is it?" Aashi really wanted to go upstairs and unleash on Arjun, but she tried to compose herself to hear Divya out.

"Uhm, Aashi...I got this photo, of Arjun. I don't know how to tell you this"

Wait what? Aashi's heart dropped further - if it could even go anymore further than it already was. She started to feel slightly nauseous.

"Is some woman lying on him?" Aashi asked, her voice barely audible.

"Yes! Oh my god did you see it?"

"Yes..." why had Elina sent this photo to Divya too? Was she trying to humiliate Aashi?

"There's something else Aash"

Oh great what else could possibly go wrong today? Hadn't she basically lost everything anyway? Did the world want to kick her some more? Well sure, why not!

"Turn the tv on" Divya sounded nervous as she instructed Aashi.

"Di I'm not in the mood to watch tv!" Aashi snapped.

"Just listen to me!!" Divya's voice became slightly hysterical.

Aashi walked into the living room and flicked the TV on while holding the phone to her ear. It was the midday news. Flashing across the news screen in big bold letters was:
And the photo came onscreen. Aashi gasped.

"It's been going on the news for about an hour now Aash..." Divya said into the silence.

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