Chapter 27 - Arjun/Aashi

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Arjun couldn't think straight as he saw the messages that were popping up on the screen. What was going on here? The name Prem kept appearing repeatedly with panic stricken messages.
"Arjun was here, what happened with the baby plan?"
"Elina something is wrong whats happening?"
"REPLY to me"
"We need to talk!!"
Arjun was shocked. What was happening here? He unlocked her phone and rushed to check the chat with Prem. He wouldn't look but this involved him! He scrolled through their extra long chat and couldn't believe his eyes. He read about their plan to break him and Aashi up, about the staged photo Elina was going to take to make it seem like Arjun was cheating, how their plan took a different turn when Aashi lost her memory and how Prem was going to act the hero for Aashi and make Arjun look back. His brain buzzed with sheer fury as well as relief. He had caught them! Never did he imagine Elina and Prem would be co-conspirators in a plan to break him and Aashi up. This was beyond cruel. To ruin his life like this.
He turned the car around and went back toward Prem's house. He was determined to set this straight!

"Aashi!!!" He banged hard on the door holding Elina's phone in one hand. Prem opened the door this time to Arjun's dismay.

"Arjun what's wrong?" Prem asked icily.

"I need to see Aashi" Arjun wasn't in the mood for any crap. He had to show her these messages.

"She doesn't want to see you"

"She will when she hears what I have to say!"

"Arjun it's time you left without making a scene."

"That's my wife in there I will not leave without talking to her. Now you either let me in or I will ..." he made a fist. Prem was making him see red. How dare he keep Arjun away from his own wife?

"What you'll fight me?" Prem said smirking.

Aashi came running from inside looking worried. She didn't need a fight to break out here.

"Arjun what the hell? Can't you just sign those papers and leave me a lone?"

"Aashi please listen to me" Arjun said pushing past Prem and approaching Aashi. "I have something important to show you"

"Whatever it is, I don't want to see it. I don't need anymore of this!"

"This is Elina's phone" Arjun said ignoring her - he had to get this through to her. This was his last chance! He handed Aashi the phone and saw in his periphery Prem's face hardening with panic.

"Why would I want her phone?!" He has her phone now? What were they joined at the hip? Aashi was getting tired of this.

"Look at these messages between Elina and a Prem!!" Arjun said scrolling through the phone that was in Aashi's hand.

"Arjun you better leave now or I'll call the police" Prem grabbed Arjun by the collar and tried to push him away. Arjun pushed back. He wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"Wow" he heard Aashi whisper. She was scrolling through the messages. She had seen their plan. "Prem you tricked me."

"No Aashi listen! It's not what it looks like!"  Prem pleaded.

"Aashi they wanted to break us up!! The whole phone thing was staged!"

Aashi looked up from the phone, tears forming in her eyes. "They may have planned this Arjun but I wasn't happy with you anyway." A tear rolled down her cheek.

Don't let go..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ