Chapter 1 - Aashi

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The clock chimed 12am and Aashi sighed silently, wondering where Arjun was. He had promised to finally be home for dinner that night. He had been coming home after midnight for the past couple of months and today was meant to be the day they spent some quality time together. She had felt the distance between them stronger than ever during this last year and she just wanted to fix it.
She got up and started clearing the table. He hadn't even rung her to tell her where he was and of course he hadn't answered any of her calls or texts either. She felt annoyed at his carelessness toward her feelings and their marriage. She had tried a couple of times to create bonding moments between them but either he never turned up and gave work as an excuse or he was there and wasn't very enthusiastic during the activities. She remembered back a couple of months ago to a couples therapy day she had organised with him. He came due to her constant pestering but was on his phone the entire time!
They had been married for fifteen years having met at a young age - she was 20 and he was 25. She was barely out of college and he was already on his way to building his multimillion dollar empire. He had always been attentive back then - visiting her at college, swooping her off on trips and even planning an extravagant engagement party when he proposed. Her parents had been very happy with him - having such a successful son-in-law had always appeased them. Well if only they saw her now - pathetically cleaning up an uneaten dinner, made lovingly for a husband who never showed up!
She laughed bitterly to herself as she finished washing the last of the dishes. They had a dishwasher and a maid for housework but she wanted to lament in her resentfulness and dive into her disappointment by washing every single dish by hand.

As she lay in bed about an hour later, she felt the emptiness engulf her. She hated lying in bed without him but she had no choice. She really needed to find herself a hobby or something to take her mind off this bitter loneliness, she decided! Yes! Tomorrow she would go out and occupy herself in something new and exciting. And with that positive train of thought she drifted off into an uneasy sleep plagued by nightmares of Arjun with various different women, doing things that made Aashi extremely uncomfortable.
She woke up the next morning feeling a heavy suffocating ache in her heart - was he cheating on her?

Don't let go..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin