Chapter 2 - Arjun

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The past couple of months have been difficult for the company and everyone included. The company Arjun had built with his own hands was about to go bankrupt. One wrong move and everything was doomed. He was slaving away to build up his company again. That meant he would have to work awful lot. Hence Arjun decided going against telling Aashi about the situation of the company. He did not like her worrying over something that was not for her to fix. Yet Arjun was aware of the fact that his marriage was suffering because of it. There was no chance to change the situation. They would just have to expect the consequences and go on with this bad situation. Arjun was working hard, so that he could still equip her with the lifestyle she is used to. Although Aashi was a simple girl, he preferred that she was surrounded by the best things. Aashi was worth the world in his eyes.

Another day passed, another night of over working approached. There was so much work to do that there was not even time for a break. Lots of paperwork had built up for the night. So he had to slowly start digging into it. All of a sudden Arjun remembered the promise he had given to her. He grabbed his phone and tried dialing her number. At least he could make sure Aashi would know about the delay. There was a knock on the door that interrupted him. A person walked in with coffee in their hands. It was none other than his assistant Elina. Elina was a rather charming young woman. She had started working at the company around five months ago. She was a huge help for the company. Over the months they have bonded quiet nicely. The chemistry between them was more of a friendly relationship rather than boss and his employee relationship. Together they started to work and went through all the paperwork and tried to finish it within a reasonable time.

Hours later they were finally finished. He glanced over to his watch and saw the clock had already struck 1am. He decided to head home before he would make Aashi worry. He put his things into his suitcase and closed it. Arjun quickly grabbed his coat and put it in. While he was saying goodbye to Elina he took his briefcase and closed the company. He walked towards his car and opened it. Arjun sat down at the driver seat and started the engine. One could only hope she would not be mad at him. It was not his fault that there were constant delays. Although Arjun had promised her often before he would arrive on time, he was not the one to blame. After a half an hour drive he arrived home. He slowly unlocked the entrance to the house and tried to be as quite as possible to not wake anyone up. Aashi was sleeping at this hour. Arjun was so tired he could not make his body go upstairs, instead he slowly drifted off to sleep on the couch.

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