(Autopsy bed)

"So the first step is wear your mask-" jungkook said handing him a mask and wearing one himself.

"-Then second is always respect the dead, this person gave her body which experienced her whole life to science, for the betterment of humanity and development. So let's bow as a thank you for the noble act this woman has done" jungkook said and Taehyung nodded and both of them bowed in front of the dead woman. Taehyung felt very proud of Jungkook because his teachings reaches his heart , no professor would ever care about anything that doesn't concern his work but jungkook always cared about respect and trust, whether it was human to human or human to dead, he believed in mutual respect and gratitude.

Jungkook turned and looked at Taehyung observing that Taehyung was at ease finally.

"Should we start?" Jungkook asked gently.

"Yeah I'm ready" Taehyung replied and this time there was surety in his words.

Jungkook gave a short smile and went forward to uncover the body, as soon as he did , he saw the lady's stiff naked body , her face was pale kinda bluish because of no blood circulation. She was not too old and might be around 35 but her skin wasn't wrinkly anymore as there was no muscle tension present, if you think about it, death is a natural Botox but you have to die for it!

'Perform' is a strong word. In reality, Taehyung had to be present while someone else performed it, with the option to assist where needed. However, He'd never seen a dead body before, this is the first time and he is not scared , he is facing reality, of handling someone's death's delicacy, he is gonna be face to face with the reality of having responsibility of someone's death. Watching crime dramas like 'CSI' and 'Bones' growing up had led him to expect that it would be a gory and emotionally taxing process of understanding how someone was violently killed.

But this was not exactly accurate.

For the record, he wasn't thrown into the deep end without any preparation. The course had a dedicated lecture on how and why autopsies were performed

In spite of that, from the first pathology lecture to the day , he found himself oscillating between excitement and mild terror. On one hand, the curiosities in the back of his mind would finally be explored! On the other hand, it was the first time in his life that his education had necessitated the death of another person, and that idea weighed heavily on his conscience. He had dreams about what it might be like, and often had to consciously force himself to focus on something else when his imagination would get the best of him.

They started by checking the wrist and toe tags on the body to make sure they were working on the right person, something that Tae would have never thought about but which obviously made sense, and writing down any initial observations about the skin.

"You will just have to watch me doing it and assist me when I want you to okay? " Jungkook asked as he lifted up his scalpel.

"Yes professor" Taehyung replied and stood on the other side of the body, in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook placed his scalpel on the lady's base of neck and glided vertically down to the top of pubis. It requires great precision and intense concentration to do it. Jungkook did it so smoothly as if it was a no big deal. Taehyung could see the yellow layer of fat , again jungkook cut the line once more to reach deeper

"Reflecting the skin back from the ribcage here and what that means is that I'm just kinda loosening it away with the muscle and it's giving me a bit of room to maneuver within the body" jungkook said while tilting his scalpel and separating the skin and muscle so he could see the organs inside the lady.

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