Chapter 1

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"I can't believe Miss Mavis!" Kana exclaimed, taking a sip of of coffee. "Giving us a major project on the second week of school! I'm just barely out of summer mode, my brain needs time! Plus I have no time to work on it!" She complained and Juvia rolled her eyes. 

"What are you spending all your time doing?" Juvia asked, although she already knew what Kana would say. 

"There are a lot of parties the first month of school, to attend and to throw," She explained, chugging the rest of her coffee. 

Juvia really didn't understand any of her boyfriend's friends. She wanted to spend time with them so she could be a comfortable part of his friend group but damn they bored her to death. 

"So, do-," She started but got cut off by her phone ringing. "Hello?"She answered. 

"Hey Juvia, it's Lucy," Her voice sounded shaky. 

"Are you okay? You sound upset," I asked. "Is something wrong?" 

"Natsu and Gray got into a car accident," She hiccuped and Juvia felt her heart drop. 

"Are they okay? Where are they? Where are you?" Juvia babbled frantically. 

"They're at the hospital at 4th street," She mumbled. 

"Just hang on I'll be there soon!" She exclaimed. She hung up the phone and shoved it into her purse She threw her coat on and pulled her hat over her head. 

Her precious Gray, injured! She wondered how bad it was. Did he break any bones? What if he got amnesia and forgot all about her. She was in hardcore panic mode. 

"I'm sorry Kana but we'll have to reschedule, something urgent has come up," I apologized. 

"M'kay, I hope everything's alright," She replied. Juvia gave her a quick smile before hurrying away. She left the mall in a hurry and ran over to her car. She unlocked the door and got in, throwing her bag onto the passenger side seat and started the car. She drove quickly, fast enough to get a few tickets until she reached the hospital. She parked her car then hurried into the hospital. 

"Lucy!" She exclaimed, spotting her friend in the waiting room. She ran over and gave her a hug, hoping for good news when she pulled away. "So, what's going on? Are they okay? Is Gray okay?" She asked frantically. 

"I don't know, I haven't heard anything," Lucy sniffled. "Apparently they were on their way to my house and got into a bad accident. I didn't find out until I got a call from Gray's Dad half an hour ago," She told Juvia. 

"Excuse me?" A doctor standing at the door of the ER. "Is anyone here for Natsu Dragneel?" Lucy waved and ran over, Juvia close behind. 

"I am, is he okay? What's going on?" She demanded. 

"Please calm down Miss, he's alright," The doctor assured her. 

"Oh, thank goodness," She put a hand over her chest and let out a sigh. 

"He's got some bumps and scrapes, a broken rib, broken arm, a broken leg, a fractured wrist and a concussion," The doctor explained. "But he's young so we have no doubt he'll make a full recovery," 

"Thank you so much," Lucy bowed quickly to the doctor. "Can I see him?" She asked. 

"Of course, follow me," The doctor waved her down the hall. Lucy and Juvia followed him. If Natsu was okay, then her darling Gray must also be alright! She smiled at the thought. "Careful now, he's asleep and he's got a lot of medication in his system so if he wakes up, he'll likely be a bit out of it," The doctor warned. 

Elusive Truth {Gray X Juvia (Gruvia)}Where stories live. Discover now