Stitch by Stitch Chapter One

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Karakura 1st High School 10:45 A.M.

A sigh escaped the lips of a girl with long orangish brown hair as she stared up at the ceiling from her seat. "Hey, stop that. Don't waste your youth daydreaming!" A voice exclaimed as its owner stopped by the girl.

The girl let her brown eyes drift back down from the ceiling to see who had spoken. "Tatsuki." the girl's eyes continued to drift behind her friend to see close behind her was a girl with snow white hair and sapphire eyes. "Hoshi! You're here too!"

Hoshi giggled at her friend. "Yep! It's good to see you Orihime."

"You too Hoshi! I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too Orihime," Hoshi smiled.

"Ichigo's late!" Tatsuki informed Orihime a few seconds later.


"Weren't you thinking about him before we came over?"

"Unh!...No!" Orihime denied.

"What's so great about him, Orihime? He's got tweaked-out hair, he's rude, immature, short-tempered... A girl with boobs like yours could do a lot better." Hoshi shook her head at her two friends.

"Come on Tatsuki, Ichigo is not that bad," Hoshi suggested, trying to protect her orange-haired childhood friend. Tatsuki's head swerved in Hoshi's direction with wide eyes.

"No! Not you too Hoshi! Please tell me you don't like him too!"

Hoshi laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "No, Tatsuki, it's not like that. You know that Ichigo has been one of my best friends for years now."

A thoughtful look crossed Tatsuki's face. "Oh, yeah, that's right. You two have been together since you were babies." Hoshi smiled and nodded to her tomboy friend the turned her attention to Orihime.

"By the way Orihime, why do you like Ichigo?" Hoshi questioned her bubbly friend.

Orihime smiled widely. "He's funny!"

"Huh?" Tatsuki and Hoshi both stared at their friend with odd expressions.

"When I think of Ichigo's scowling face..." Orihime's mind began to imagine various versions of Ichigo. "Hahaha!! It's hilarious!"

"Um, okay..." Tatsuki and Hoshi both sweatdropped. "He may be absent today."

"Ichigo." The three girls turned their heads to see Mizuiro.

"How come? You usually come to school with Ichigo."

"Yeah. I stopped by his place this morning and there was a big hole in his house. They said a truck plowed into it in the middle of the night," Mizuito explained to the curious girls.

"A truck?!" Tatsuki and Hoshi exclaimed in shock. Tatsuki continued to ask questions while Hoshi pulled out her cell phone to see if she had any messages from Ichigo. "So!? Is he hurt!? Or maybe...dead..." Tatsuki was suddenly hit in the head with a bag.

"Alive. Sorry to disappoint you, we all survived," Ichigo stated from behind Tatsuki.

"Ichigo! G...Good morning!" Orihime happily greeted the orange haired boy.

"Huh? Right. You're happy as usual Orihime."

Hoshi decided to finally greet her oldest friend. "Hello Ichigo. I'm glad you and your family are okay." Ichigo looked down at the slightly older female.

"Thanks, Hoshi. I'm glad that your back. If you weren't here today I was going to stop by after school and see you."

"I would have really like that, Ichigo. Perhaps I'll visit you after school instead today."

Ichigo nodded and slightly smiled at his white haired friend. "Karin and Yuzu would like to see you. Dad too." Ichigo placed his bag on his desk. Mizuiro turned in his seat to look at Ichigo.

"You're here. Weren't you fixing your house?"

"Yeah. What's third period?"

"Contemporary events."

"That's Miss Ochi. She won't ask annoying questions." Just as Ichigo began to sit down, he heard a voice beside him ask something.

"Are you Kurosaki?" Ichigo turned his head with wide, surprises eyes. He saw a small girl with short shoulder length black hair. "Nice to meet you!"

Mizuiro introduces the girl to Ichigo and Hoshi. "Oh this is Rukia Kuchiki. She started here yesterday. It's an unusual time to transfer but her family had to move."

Hoshi made her way around Ichigo to Rukia. "It's nice to meet you Miss Kuchiki. My name is Hoshi Namikaze. I hope we can become great friends." Hoshi smiled sweetly at the shorter girl.

"Please, just call me Rukia. It's nice to meet you too," Rukia answered Hoshi.

Hoshi giggled. "Well then you better call me Hoshi,Rukia! Oh! I bettter sit down. It's almost time for class!" Hoshi left her new friend and sat down. When she sat down, Hoshi's sapphire eyes glided back to Rukia and Ichigo. 'Strange. I feel that she is not human but a Soul Reaper. However, her spiritual pressure is very weak.... It's as if she lost the majority of it...' Hoshi focused her eyes on Ichigo. 'But, Ichigo's spiritual pressure has rocketed. I wonder... could Rukia have given her powers to Ichigo?!' Hoshi tore her eyes from her best friend and gazed out the window as she waited for the teacher to start class. 'But why would Ichigo need to become a Soul Reaper?'

Hoshi's train of thought was interrupted by the teacher. "Okay class let's get started."

Later that day...

"Teacher! Strawberry passed out!!" Hoshi's head shot up at the student's claim.

"What!! Where!?" The teacher asked. Hoshi followed the teacher and student to Ichigo's body. Upon arriving to Ichigo's "passed out" body, Hoshi examined the body closer. 'It's just an empty shell. There is no soul inside of it...' Hoshi lifted her head up and watched as the clouds passed slowly by. 'So you really are a Soul Reaper, Ichigo. How long will you go without telling me?'

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