Stitch by Stitch Chapter Six

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Karakura High School, the Principal's Office

"I can't freakin believe this!! Do you guys have any idea what you've done!?" Ichigo, along with Tatsuki, Orihime, Hoshi, Rukia, Keigo, Mizuiro, and Chad, stood in the principal's office. The principal and two teachers were also in the room. A screen behind the principal flashed and started to show Ichigo when he was struggling against the guards at Don Kanonji's show. "Take a look at this! It's an image that aired nationwide from a live broadcast t.v. show that filmed in our town yesterday! Nationwide!!" The teacher talking walzed up to Ichigo. "Well then? Kurosaki, do you have anything to say when you look at this?"

"...Looks alot like me, doesn't he?" Ichigo admitted. Hoshi cracked a small smile at Ichigo's words.

"Every inch of him is you, moron!!" the teacher yelled.

"He's my twin brother, seperated at birth. Indeed, I never thought I would be reunited with him this way." Ichigo continued.

"You seriously underestimate teachers..."

Hoshi rolled her eyes but stayed silent, zoning out of the conversation until she felt a tug on her hand. Hoshi snapped out of her thoughts and looked to see Orihime holding her hand. Tatsuki was holding Orihime's other hand and led the two girls out of the office. Hoshi laughed a little. "Sorry. I wasn't paying any attention... Why are we leaving?"

Tatsuki kept walking as she answered Hoshi's question. "I told the teacher, we weren't with Ichigo or Rukia. And that you were only with them when you got them out of trouble with the guards."

"Oh, I see."  Hoshi smiled brightly at her two friends.

A few minutes later...                                         

"Oh man, we made a clean escape....and live happily ever after! <3" Keigo cheered. "Every bit of it was all thanks to Rukia!<3"

"Oh, it wan't musch really..." Rukia confessed.

"Moron, don't praise her. She was just going to sell me out." Ichigo scolded Keigo.

"But thanks to Rukia's acting you were able to escape too.." Tatsuki countered.

Rukia smirked at Ichigo. "That right. I was acting! I would never do such a thing as to sell out my friend, Ichigo." Ichigo mumbled something no one caught.

"But, it's such a shame. After all, if they were going to get mad at me all the same, I should have done something noticable and got caught on camera, too." Tatsuki sighed as she streched her arms. "Then I'd show off my sweet voice and get scouted to be a singer!"

"Cut it out. The announcer would just talk over you like he did with Ichigo, so your voice wouln't have been heard." Keigo retorted. He then looked over at Hoshi. "Besides isn't it Hoshi's dream of being a singer? Not yours?"

"Yeah, you're right. Hey Hoshi, weren't you the one that wanted to sing?" Tatsuki asked, catching the snow-haired girl's attention. Hoshi turned back to look at her friends and nodded.

"You want to be a singer, Hoshi?" Rukia questioned. "Are you any good?"

"Uh..." Hoshi smiled nervously. "That's really not something I can tell you." Everyone looked at her confused. Hoshi laughed at their expressions. "Don't you think that's something you have to determine for yourself? I may sound good to some but to others I might not. So it all depends on who's listening I suppose..."

Everone nodded, finally understanding what she meant. "Well will you sing for us?" Rukia persisted.

"It has been awhile since I've last heard you sing..." Ichigo added. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Hoshi sighed but smiled.

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