Stitch by Stitch Chapter Ten

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Continuation of Chapter 9...

 Ichigo narrowed his eyes at Uryu. “...A fight...? Between you...and I?”

“That's right.” Uryu smiled ever so slightly. “In this world, shinigami are... unnecessary.”

Ichigo crossed his arms over his chest and turned his head away from Uryu, “This is...ridiculous!!”

“What did you say?” Uryu questioned Ichigo, annoyed by his anwer.

Ichigo ignored the question and kept talking. “Me, compete against you? Why do I have to do that? It sounds stupid! I don't know what kind of grudge you've got against shinigami, but I have nothing to do with it!”

“...How surprising. Will you run away?”

“I won't be provoked! I'm just saying you're no match against me.” Ichigo turned to leave.

Uryu stayed silent for a moment. “...Yes. I see. I remember.” Uryu pushed up his glasses as he continued to speak. “You're a shinigami whose power was granted to you by Kuchiki...In other words, you were a 'Temporary Shinigami'...” Uryu gave Ichigo a cold, harsh glare. “Without her can't even move a finger.”

Ichigo stopped in his tracks. Slowly, he turned his head with a heated glare. Venom clearly dripped from his words as he spoke. “...What'd you say? Quincy...” Uryu did not answer Ichigo. Ichigo fully turned to face Uryu once more. “Okay...” Ichigo smirked. “Let's give this...competition thing a shot.” Ichigo reached into his pocket and pulled out Kon's mod soul. “Rukia didn't make a mistake about her prediction.” Ichigo swallowed the mod soul and his own soul pulled out of his body.

Uryu stayed silent as he watched the process. He silently wondered how in the world Hoshi could like someone so...ignorant, perhaps? Or maybe overconfident? What ever the right word was to describe Ichigo, Uryu just could not understand how Hoshi could be friends with him. Uryu began to pay attention to Ichigo once more when the carrot top mentioned explaining the rules of the fight. Uryu reached into his chest pocket. He pulled out a small round tablet-like thing. Hollow bait. “We'll begin the battle with this.”

“...Huh? What's that?”

“Hollow bait. If I crush and scatter this, then hollows will gather in this town,” Uryu explained to Ichigo.

Ichigo's brown eyes widened. “...What....?”

“The one who defeats the most of the gathered hollows within 24 hours wins...How about that?”

“What's that!? Quit screwin' around!!” Ichigo shouted. “Are you trying to expose people in town to danger for the sake of our fight!? Who the hell do you think you are!?”

Uryu narrowed his eyes at Ichigo. “Keep your mortality to yourself!” Uryu suddenly crushed the hollow bait. “Worrying about other people is unnecessary! I will kill the gathered hollows with leaving a single survivor! You as well...If you have the confidence to protect people from hollows... You should be able to take on this challenge.”

Somewhere in Karakura Town

Hoshi smiled as she walked around town with her dog, Kiba, by her side. She had went to the grocery store after school and then after she got home and put away her groceries, Hoshi decided to take Kiba out for some fresh air and exercise. At the moment, the two of them were at an old park that not many people went to anymore. Hoshi walked over to a large tree and sat at its base. Kiba followed his master and curled up beside her with his head on Hoshi's lap. “It's such a pretty day,” Hoshi smiled, watching the clouds slowly pass above her.

Stitch by Stitch (Bleach Fanfiction) [Discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora