Stitch by Stitch Chapter Three

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Karakura High School, Lunch time

"Yahoo!! Lunch time!" Orhime cheered. Hoshi giggled and smiled at her friend.

Tatsuki on the hand sighed. "Here we go. It's only lunch, Orhime, not New Year’s."

Orihime suddenly struck what claimed to be her "eating lunch" pose. "Only lunch, Tatsuki?! Lunch is the reason we girls come to school! Right, Hoshi?!"

"Whatever you say, Orihime," Hoshi smiled at her bouncy friend.

Tatsuki shook her head. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. You can sit down now."

Orihime settled down. "What do you have today Tatsuki?! I've got sweet bean paste and bread!"

"Lucky you. Unfortunately mine's standard issue slop."

"What about you, Hoshi?" Orhime asked the snow-haired girl.

"Hmm..oh I fixed some onigari."

Suddenly, Chizuru appeared out of nowhere holding up her boxed lunch. "Orihime! Can I eat with you?"

"Ok! Sure!"

Chizuru suddenly wrapped her arms around Orihime. "How cute! You've got food all over your face and you don't ever care. That's power cuteness!!" Poor Tatsuki was bumped out of the way. "How can I help loving you?!"

Hoshi helped Tatsuki off the floor. "You better stop her Tatsuki, before our poor innocent Orihime is violated by Chizuru." Tatsuki nodded her head in agreement.

Chizuru grabbed Orihime's face and tried to bring it closer to her own. "I'm hungry...for more that food. <3"

"Back off Chizuru!! It's broad daylight!!" Tatsuki roared. "Go eat by yourself in the girl's locker room or something! And don't corrupt Orihime or even Hoshi, you Libertine!"

Chizuru glared at Tatsuki. "Shut up. Stay out of this." Chizuru sighed and rested her head on her palm. "You've got a pretty face but you're too butch for me."

Satsuki started to swing her fists around as if she was going to throttle the girl. "As if! Nobody asked you to like me instead of them!"

Hoshi didn't pay any attention to what Chizuru started to say to Tatsuki. Instead, she turned her head toward the window where she could feel a strange spiritual pressure. Orihime jumped from her seat, startling Hoshi, and raced towards to the window Hoshi has been looking at. "I smell Ichigo!" Orihime announced.

"You smell Ichigo?" Hoshi repeated after the girl. Orihime nodded.

"Smell? What are you, a bloodhound?" Tatsuki asked her orange haired female friend. "This is the third floor! Even if you could smell him, Ichigo couldn't come through..." Ichigo suddenly appeared on the window seal. "This window..." Tatsuki finished her sentence.

Hoshi's sapphire eyes first widened at the sight of the boy, but then narrowed as she felt his spiritual pressure. It was the same as before. Hoshi knew that the boy in front of her was not Ichigo even though it was clearly his body.

Tatsuki screamed, "How? How'd you do that?"

"How? You saw me. I jumped. No big deal...for me," the fake Ichigo answered Tatsuki. The fake Ichigo started to look around until his eyes landed on both Hoshi and Orihime. He suddenly jumped from the window seal to standing in front of Orihime. The fake Ichigo grabbed Orihime's hand and the back of her neck. "Hello, lovely lady. Might I ask...your name? <3" He then kissed her hand.

Tatsuki took hold of Ichigo from behind. "That's it! Ichigo, you've lost your mind!! That isn't funny!! Get off of her!!"

The fake managed to look at Tatsuki. "'re pretty cute up close."

Hoshi shook her head sadly. 'Yeah, this is definitely a fake Ichigo.'

Tatsuki began to go ramped. She threw a desk at the fake Ichigo. "Die!!"

"Whoa! Watch out!!" Fake Ichigo moved out of the way in time for the desk to barely miss him. Hoshi sighed knowing Tatsuki wouldn't stop trying to hurt the boy unless she did something.

Hoshi stepped in front of the orange haired boy, "Tatsuki, please calm down before you break anything else besides the window." Tatsuki began to settle down but she kept her glare on the boy. Hoshi turned to face the fake Ichigo.

"Thanks," the boy said. Hoshi closed her eyes and sighed.

"You really should apologize to her, Ich-!" Hoshi was cut off by a pair of lips on her own. Hoshi's eyes flew open to see the fake Ichigo kissing her. Surprise wouldn't allow the girl to move. Hoshi thought she heard Rukia shout out once but she wasn't really sure. Hoshi then managed to drag her eyes to the open window behind the boy kissing her. There she saw a furious looking Ichigo. The real Ichigo. Finally Hoshi found she could pull away.

Everyone was silent until the fake Ichigo caught sight of Rukia standing in the doorway. He then turned and saw the real Ichigo, who was staring at Hoshi as she stared back at him. The fake Ichigo saw this as his chance to escape and jumped out of the same window Ichigo was in. The real Ichigo snapped out of his staring contest with Hoshi and looked over his shoulder. "What the?! Wait!! Stop! It's too high! That's my body you're totaling!" Ichigo and Rukia then left to chase after the fake Ichigo.

Tatsuki and Orihime rushed to Hoshi who was still staring at the spot Ichigo once was the window. "Hoshi! Are you okay? I'll rip that bastard apart next time I see him!" Hoshi brought her gaze to Tatsuki who was still ranting. "Forget about what he did or said to me and Orihime! He went too far when he full blown kissed you like that!"

As Tatsuki continued on her plan to mutilate Ichigo, Hoshi glanced over at Orihime since she hadn't said a word. Orihime was looking at the ground but Hoshi could still see the sadness in her friend's eyes. "Don't worry, Orihime. It meant nothing to either of us."

Orihime and Tatsuki stared at their snow white friend. "What do you mean, Hoshi?"

Hoshi smiled,"Well let's just say Ichigo isn't Ichigo right now!" The two girls looked at her even more confused now. "Uh, well, knowing Ichigo's father, I wouldn't be surprised if he put something in Ichigo's drink this morning! And whatever it was is now taking some strange side effects!"

Tatsuki shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever, you know his family better than me so your probably right.." Hoshi mentally sighed, thanking god that her friends believed her.

"Haha! I can't believe Ichigo flirted with Tatsuki!" someone from within the classroom suddenly said. Tatsuki was silent for a few seconds, which worried Hoshi dearly. Suddenly, Tatsuki was back on her rampage.

Hoshi and Orihime stood out of their enraged friend's way. "Why did some have to open their big mouth?" Orihime giggled at Hoshi's question. "Oh well, I'm not stopping her this time..."

"Whoa!" a voice exclaimed at the door. Hoshi looked to Keigo. "Did a hurricane come through?" That was when Keigo took notice of Tatsuki. Tatsuki turned her glare to poor Keigo and Mizuiro, who was standing behind Keigo. 'A devil!! A devil in the wreckage!!!'

Hoshi turned her attention away from her friends and out the window into the direction Ichigo had went to chase his body. 'Things certainly are becoming more interesting around her. I hope you guys can keep me smiling while I'm still here...'

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