Sleeping is great, right?

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Let's move to a more long story. If I make it long that is.

Sleeping Beauty

Let's start with the background. This also might be like the Walt Disney one because I watched it a week ago, so yeah. I may also make it like the movie Maleficent, too.


The kingdom far, a king and queen always wanted to have a child. They finally had one and made invitations to everyone in the village, including the fairies to give their daughter a magic blessing or gift. They'd gave every fairy a invitation, or so they thought they did. There were three more fairies left to give her fine gifts." Oh the gift of beauty. " The first said." And the gift of kindness, too." Said the second. " Also - " The third was interrupted by gasps.

A pale women with a dark gray cloak had appeared in the palace. She had a deep but light voice. The women glared at the now parents." So, I see you brought everyone to your daughter's birthday, but me." The women chuckles." You'll learn from those mistakes." She looked at them white eyes locked on the king and queen. They were shook. She smiled," I'll gladly give a gift to your daughter." The women's slim body walked towards the cradle." I cast this spell. Once this baby turns seventeen, she'll prick her finger with a needle in the kingdom and after fall on the floor, dead." She looks at the baby and disappeared.

"What are we going to do?" Said the king. The fairies looked at the third one and she sighed." Okay Okay, Instead of dropping dead you'll sleep until true love's kiss finds her." Says the third fairy. Later after the party, the king had the needles in the kingdom removed. While the fairies had thought of a weird plan. They thought maybe they could keep the baby away from the kingdom and give her back to the king and queen when she's eighteen. The king and queen thought out it for a while, but in the end they said yes. The baby was soon called, Aura.


Their first days with Aura were horrible. They'd tried not to used magic, which was easy for them, but later they had to change her diaper. The fairies had to live like humans to confuse the evil fairy. Which if you think about it was very not smart because the evil fairy was wise or whatever. Anyways the fairies names were Mari, Hera, and Kayo. Mari was blue, Hera was red, and Kayo was yellow. They lived in a forest with a cottage that was a average size. Luckily, they didn't die by Aura because her whines were irritating to handle for a normal person.

She was now ten years old, times passed by. She was soon went off to get some berries for her 'aunts'. She's in the forest holding the basket they have humming a sweet tune she has ounce heard the 'aunts' played when she would be depressed. The animals had liked her and her singing. As she started coming back in the forest to get berries or to play. The animals would soon get use to her being there. Then one day, a squirrel was climbing the tree and miss stepped. The squirrel had fallen out the tree, but Aura and ran up to catch it and luckily she actually did, somehow. That day the animals grew closer and closer to Aura.

Now she was fourteen, the fairies cried cause she was growing up to an adult and because they knew she was going to leave them soon. They have made some great pumpkin pie for Aura's fourteen birthday. The king and queen had gave their gift to Aura by mail which was very slow. Aura was out getting some berries in the forest, again. Though there was a young boy there this time. He was training to be the best, but always failed to defeat his older brother. So he was there with his sword, hitting the tree.

Aura was humming the same tune as she always did when she went in the forest with her animal friends. She'd seen the boy hitting the tree and ran to stop him." Hey, stop that!" She yells. The boy turns to her voice and looks at her." You'll ruin the nest above. The mama bird just had an egg yesterday and I don't need you ruining their life." She yells at the boy as she got closer. "And why should I care?" He says plainly, not even looking towards her. She looks at him in disgrace, crossing her arms together.

"As I said, she just had an egg yesterday, it's fragile. If you keep hitting the tree the nest can fall including the egg." Her voice was more soft this time. The boy had a sarcastic face. "Yeah, yeah whatever." He mumbles. Aura frowns,"Don't be so mean to the birds. They did nothing to you. Taking their bird away is like.." Aura pauses." Like taking away a love ones life." The boy puts the sword back by his side, in his case thingy." Okay, fine. Why are you here anyway." He scoffs. Aura smiles, thankful he listened." Oh. I'm here for berries." She puts hand behind her head, smiling awkwardly. " Why are you here?" Aura asks the boy. " Y'know, I'm just training." He sarcastically says. Aura had a confused expression on her face." Why are you training?" She questioned once more." I'm just.. " The boy paused, but continued, " I'm training because I want to be as strong as my brother."

"That's cool." Aura says," I gotta go though, hope we meet again." The boy takes time to process what she just said, but before he can understand Aura left to do what she was told to do. She gets some blue berries and raspberries to put in her basket. She skips to the cottage and the fairies had surprised her as she walked inside. She gasp though laughed as she was surprised.

The Evil Fairy's POV
My name is Marvel, I was very different than the other fairies. I had white hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. Others were more colorful than me, I was colorless. One mistaken me as a demon once. Did I mentioned I had horns? Well, yes I do. They say nobody is perfect, but everyone is afraid of me for some reason. I was a lone fairy, I've heard they started to call me an evil fairy even though they've never actually knew me, myself.

I've soon grown cruel to others that bothered me. My wings were strong and rough. Thankfully, the humans and fairies had hated me only. My friends are nature itself. There was one day, a boy had gone in the dark forest, where I lived. To me it looked like he were running from something, button they were a blur to see. I had found him on the ground passed out, messy hair and dirty clothes. I've helped him clean up and he soon awoke from passing out.

"What are you doing?" He said as he looks around. "I found you passed out in the woods." I answered. I don't know if it was my eyes, but I saw a bit of the color red on his face, soon looking away from me. Then I've kinda realized why, his shirt is off and I'm holding a sponge cleaning him off. I felt my face grow hot." Sorry." I mumble, immediately realizing. He had chuckled awkwardly for a couple of seconds and stood up. After that I became great friends with him, his name was Aoru.

I've soon found he was being bullied by the other kids at the village so I told him he can stay with me in the forest, since he was an orphan anyway. Soon we actually got close together, but he was killed by an unknown person. I was in shocked, blood was everywhere in his bedroom when I had checked on him. I've never found his body though, sadly. I had tried to track down this person, but I had no hope at all. I've soon grew cold and dark. The next day of his murder, a raven had came by. He whispered in my ear," You're not alone." I blinked to times and the crow was gone, but it had came everyday to stay by my side. I even smiled a bit. Though through anger of by friend dying I've became a bit harsh to some people. Past the years, I had heard the king and queen actually had a daughter, they were going to name it.. Aura. It reminds me.. never mind. I wished to get an invitation for the birthday because they said all the fairies would come. It kinda got me excited, also. Then on the last day, I've found they sensed everyone's invitations except mine. Out of sadness and anger, I've decided to march there and curse their beautiful brat. I'd pooft there and shocked faces, gasps too. But I only stared at the cradle then the parents. I can smell the despair in their eyes. I said I'd cast a spell in their baby til she's fourteen years old. Their baby was beautiful. Looking through my glass ball, I'd found out three idiots were going to take her in while the king and queen were burning the white roses in the palace. I've picked white roses because he, Aoru, had gave me a white rose cause they were my favorite. My favorite.


That's all for now!

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